cuuvette350's Profile

cuuvette350's Posts


''Other Copper Projects

A small technical work program at Galore Creek is planned for 2014 to incorporate the results of recent drilling activity and engineering studies, with no significant field activity planned. No significant work was done in the fourth quarter at Schaft Creek. Some engineering studies will continue, but no drilling activities are planned for 2014.''

This is a typical Teck Q4 hush hush on spending, it's a forward statement on 2014 for their shareholders. Teck won't come out and say it out loud (not yet).

The official JV meeting is in March, that's when the actual program will be announced.

BTW Elmer has already met with Teck and SC is heading exactly where he wants it.

The Teck AGM is in April.

No drilling = they've seen enough. (we have 2 Billion tonnes)

Engineering studies = moving forward

I'm sure Hole 435 convinced Teck. Hole 435 hit 0.44%CuEq in the inferred block. Higher grades in the inferred block than in the average M&I block.

Schaft Creek is the only project Teck is spending money on. Engineering work is the next step toward a production decision, CUU won't be around for a production decision.

Elmer will probably have Teck squeeze in 3-4 very strategic drill holes as the engineering work is ongoing. You just won't see that in a Teck Q4 forward statement....

You want to see metallurgical work, bump up copper recoveries just about 2% and WOW.

This was in the Feasibility enhancement and they are doing it:

Project Enhancements

The Feasibility Study makes recommendations for further development of the project that could enhance the economics of Schaft Creek including:

  1. Copper Fox undertakes a diamond drilling program at Schaft Creek with a goal to determine the extent to which the 171.16 million tonnes of inferred resource, that lie within the pit shell, can be upgraded to a Measured or Indicated Resource. To the degree such a program is successful it will remove the affected material from being categorized as a rock removal expense to an ore bearing material and as such, a revenue generator; and

  2. Additional metallurgical testwork to pursue opportunities to increase metal recoveries and reduce processing costs.

  3. Shorten the project development execution timeline.

Elmer is going to sell this, internal work is being done. Schaft Creek is moving forward.

Arizona looking very very promissing...make sure to sell me all your shares free shares the second Desert Fox is spun...

BTW, this is useful:

Total project design sequence

Project studies and design fit into the total project design sequence as follows:

  1. Pre-evaluation study - Exploration drilling, preliminary orebody identification, and venture studies.

  2. Concept or Scoping study – This study will present a number of possible options (including “outside the box” options) and provide a very high level review of these options. A conventional (minimal risk) option will be outlined in more detail and an order-of-magnitude cost/schedule developed to a scoping study level of accuracy in order to determine if the site is or has the potential to become a viable project. A successful scoping study will lead to additional work in several areas, including additional diamond drilling for geological resource upgrade, initial geotechnical studies, initial hydrogeological studies, initial metallurgical studies, a start of environmental baseline data collection, and the start of a pre-feasibility study.

  3. Pre-feasibility study – Based on the possible options presented in the scoping study, a number of trade-offs will be completed and a preferred Base Case option will be identified. The preferred Base Case option will be developed to a pre-feasibility study level of accuracy to provide some level of confidence in the production capacity/ore grades/metal recovery, capital and operating costs, project schedule, and project risks/opportunities. A financial analysis will be completed in order to assess the economic viability of the project. A successful pre-feasibility study will lead to additional work including detailed geotechnical and hydrogeological studies, detailed metallurgical testwork and initial process studies (process flowsheet defined), the start of a formal community consultation process, the start of Environmental Impact Assessment and permitting processes, and the start of a feasibility study.

  4. Feasibility study – The pre-feasibility study selects a Base Case option and provides a mid-level accuracy capital/operating cost, schedule, etc. The feasibility study includes the collection of more detailed information, additional designs, collection of additional project-specific cost information (including vendor quotes for major items) in order to refine the project cost and schedule. The study will also address any information gaps, issues of concern, risks, and opportunities identified in the prefeasibility study. This document must provide the level of confidence for senior management to support the commitment of funds and other resources (often hundreds of millions of dollars) for the detailed project design, project construction, and operation/closure of the facility. A successful feasibility study will permit other parallel activities to continue, including procurement of major (long-lead) plant equipment and materials, finalization of permit applications and submissions for permits, and planning for construction, training programs, safety programs, etc.

  5. Detailed engineering – This stage includes completion of detailed designs based on the project scope and concept designs approved in the feasibility study, and the issuing of “for construction” designs, provision of construction and equipment specifications, scope of work packages for contract documents, definition of and procedures for construction quality control, etc. The purchase of key plant equipment often occurs prior to or in parallel with this stage of design, as vendor drawings for equipment are required in order to complete the detailed engineering designs.

  6. Site Construction – During the course of construction, “home office” and field engineering will address construction change and drawing/specification clarification issues which arise during the course of construction, carry out inspections to confirm that construction is as per the design, and confirm adherence to appropriate quality control practices. Site engineers may also be required to confirm appropriate as-built records are kept, assemble records of vendor documents (installation instructions, operating manuals, maintenance manuals), and other construction control activities.

  7. Commissioning and turn-over to operations – Vendor representatives and field engineering personnel take part in the formal completion of the project including proof of operability testing and acceptance by the Owner that the project construction and performance is as per the design and that it meets the required plant performance and safety requirements. In parallel, the final operating control programs are completed, installed, and tested. All final project information including final design packages, as-built drawings, contract packages and contract close-out documents, operations and maintenance manuals for equipment, quality assurance/quality control records, commissioning records, etc are assembled and formally turned over to the Owner.

over 10 years ago
A couple things..


Many of you might not be aware of this but Teck isn't just going hard on the Paramount zone.

They're aslo drilling the Mike zone and the Discovery zone.

Why do you think they're doing this ? Waste time and money ? No.

Word is, if they see what they want, this will be one big MEGA pit, incorporating the Liard, Paramount, Mike and Discovery zone.

Forget about thinking big, think HUGE, Teck is.


This brings me to the EAA.

As I've said before, CUU didn't submit it because they knew Teck would be the operator.

The current EAA is for a 130k tpd mine. Teck won't start the EAA process for a 130ktpd mine when we could be looking at 200k-250k tpd.

This is the reason Teck isn't wasting any time and they're collecting the proof required to decide on the size...including Mike and Discovery zone.

They'll use the great work Shane did and run with it, adding to it.

It took 24 hours for Teck to walk from Pebble. they said ''lets talk'' the day they received the Schaft Creek Feasibility.

Looking at their current projects, I'm sure Teck has a sense of urgency to start Schaft Creek (time wise).

The production decision will come alot faster than many think.


CUU keeps bringing this up (NR, MD&A, presentation). I'm expecting an equity interest on an advanced stage project probably not in Arizona.

If it was an acquisitoin or working interest it woudl surely be in Arizona with the others = limiting their choices.

The equity interest would allow CUU to ride the wave on what they think is a great opportunity, anywhere in North America.

Just like Copper Fox needed Ernesto at one point...others are in the same situation today. These projects will go up in value with the markets.

The timing is great, alot of value per dollar.

This should happen soon...before cheap becomes expensive.


I think the plan is:

Confirm the historical resource for Van Dyke, go straight to a PEA (Preliminary Economic Assessement). Get Dessert Fox the TSX listing.

How will they get the investor base ? Take a guess. You'll all be receiving shares.

Apparently we're not the only ones interested in the area.

September 04, 2013 09:55 ET

Eurasian Minerals Options Three Arizona Porphyry Projects to Desert Star Resources

Or how about an alliance with a major just like this one...something I expect Desert Fox to do in the futur.

Global Geoscience (ASX: GSC), a Sydney-based mineral exploration company, has teamed up with the US$14 billion capitalised Antofagasta to explore for copper in Arizona


You can't buy something that's not for sale.....yet.

I've said this before. People seem to think CUU's waiting for a buyer. I think it's the other way around.

CUU's waiting for results before they decide to put their Schaft Creek interest on the market.

Teck could act first but aren't required to until CUU decide to stick the FRoO (First Right of Offer) on them. And CUU won't do that until they know what they have (current drilling program).

Copper buyers are out there. That will be the easy part (when CUU is ready to move)

Just look at those willing to bid for Las Bambas in Peru.

Minmetals, Chinalco, Jiangxi, rumors of Newmont and ex Xstrata CEO with X2.

Note these buyers showed up only once Las Bambas was forcefully put on sale.

almost 11 years ago
Re: Anyone still waiting to see the dividend? - Etrade problems

Liddy, I don't tend to get involved in this kind of stuff but I have a friend in the US in your position. So I emailed, here's a start. Hope it helps.


I have contacted CDS this morning and am awaiting a reply and confirmation of where the funds are. I will let you know as soon as I know.

Cathie Henderson, Chief Financial Officer | Copper Fox Metals Inc.

650, 340 - 12 Ave SW, Calgary, AB T2R 1L5

about 11 years ago
Re: About re-calculation...

Thanks YourNadir and Vette for explaining what we should expect in the upcoming drill results. I tried to ask this question about a month ago but didn't clear answers like these.

I gave my opinion over a month ago lol, alot of details:

about 11 years ago
Re: About re-calculation...

So... After Phase 1 and possibly Phase 2... (fingers crossed for amazing grades)

Just cross your fingers for mineralization.

This is still a porphyry ore body and we can't expect much more than 0.3 - 1% copper + 3 other metal credits.

If the East side is identical to the West side (as it should be), then you have a bonanza.

It's much more about scale, mine life and consistent mineralization all around = Profitability.

The ultimate goal is to get to the depth (improved grades with depth) and you can only do that if the pit is wide enough (combining West and East and North). At that point you can just imagine the scale.

Majors love long life and consistency. Much easier for them to plan.

Just keep in mind looking at slide 14, they must still drill on a slope about 200m-250M (staright down) before reaching the chargeability:

about 11 years ago
Insider bought Monday

I guess even after exercising his 500 options at 14.5 cents...he wanted more

Insider name:
Macdonald, David Morris

Insider's Relationship to Issuer:
4 - Director of Issuer

Ceased to be Insider:
Not applicable

Security designation:
Common Shares

Direct Ownership :

10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market


about 11 years ago
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Welcome To the Copper Fox Metals Inc. HUB On AGORACOM Copper Fox Metals is a Canadian-based resource company focused on developing the world-class Schaft Creek Project in northwestern British Columbia.