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Will announcment come?

In my opinion yes and hopefully soon!Why I think this? Well...

Both First Nations and Noront positive at PDAC. They could not announce anything at this point as this would make the feds have to admit they are in for alot of cash before the budget.

The Feds did not commit monies specific to the Ring in Federal Budget but did announce alot of money for First Nations. Our road to the Ring would meet some of their commitments to some First Nations and they would generate taxes and jobs off of it! Money well spent as they will get a return rather than just votes for spending this money. As well they could not announce with out the First Nations by their side as this would steal the spot light from the First Nations.

Noront raised captal for drill program!! Why?? Because once the announcment comes for the road and First Nations agreement they are likely expecting a major to start poking around again( remember they already know alot about what is up there). Once one makes an offer would they not want another offer from a different major? YES..(BIDDING WAR!!! YEAH!!).So how do you keep their interest and keep a bidding war going?? Come out with more positive drill results.

If there are positive drill results do they not have to share them in a timely manner as they are material to the stock value? I believe so.?.. So drill and test gives us what? 3 to 6 months for results?

I expect to see a joint announcment by First Nations, Noront, KWG, the province and the feds sometime in the next 3-6 months.

Does this not sound logical? I know that logic has been taking a back seat but the ducks are getting into line...

My opinion of corse!!! Good luck to all


over 8 years ago
What is Happening now?

I have been a long time investor in NOT, bought and held and bought more, all in TFSA and basiclly only ever Read posts and do not post myself but...

The issuing of shares and warrants that is going on now has likely been in the works for some time and not just because the price has gone up and Noront wants people to have some cheap shares? This likely started when price was in the low 30's! These things take time to put together.

With the court case done and access opened up North/South, if this is the route that they go with, with Allan Coutts being very quiet, with the first nations being very quiet, with more great targets, do peple honestly think there is not something going on behind closed doors? If it was bad they would be screaming at the top of their lungs, if good loose lips sink ships!

The post about "Word from the bush" is very telling of what i believe will happen. First Nations will make the announcment that an agreement has been reached. Why wouldnt they? This will reassure them that they are "Partners" in this process.

Fedral gov. would not commit until the First Nations do. Why would they? If they did then they would have to move forward regardless of if a mine was agread to and if no agreement then no revenue for the gov. First Nations first!!

They must line up the dominos and I agree that it has taken far too long but I for one am happy it has. I have been able to purchase shares in my wifes and my TFSA every year for some time. ( Its been hard to convince her but I just put on the charm!..lol).. we have accumulated over a quarter million shares..Please push over the first domino and let them fall where they may!!!

With new targets, what could be the value of ROF $100 BILLION? Say 2% insitu (rediculous ly cheap) is $2 BILLION, gives us an almost 20 bagger from here? OK lets be conservative,10? I am OK at this point with an almost $5 dollar stock price! I could retire at 45 then If I want....

GLTA and this is just my opinion and rant for the day:)



over 8 years ago
Re: I'm Not Getting Too Excited Just Yet

I hope that a take out bid comes at some point and believe that it will. Personally though I hope it is after things start to role such as:

Road announcement or completion, power, new drilling program, beginning ramp/minning, completed EA, sign on by First Nations, financing announcement, TSX listing, rebound in Nickel prices, Rail Road plan, Cliffs back at table..etc,etc,etc....

Once one or more of these things begin to happen it will bring up price of NOT. Then if someone does make a run at NOT more announcements will drive up the sp. As well, the bids will come from the other majors that do not want to loose this gem in the middle of the next big minning area the likes of Sudbury too the other guy ! Bring on a bidding war at that point!

I think we should see a small spike in share price with TFSA buyers as well as tax loss sellers buying back in after their 30 day hold period. Unfortunatly I believe in the near term the sp could pull back once these people have all got their positions purchased.

I too have been "lurking" for many years, (Ask Herb if he knows me as I sit beside him at work!) Reading many posts and accumulating. Just because you do not contribute often does not mean that your opinion is less important. Just make sure you do your research, think out your contributions and be respectfull!

Cheers and Hapy New Year to you all

T Craig

over 10 years ago
What will it take to get it rolling?

The question is "what will it take?" Well in my opinion if the First Nations and Rae put forward a fair deal or proposal things will start to snow ball!

The First Nations could be a leader. They have so much to gain. Road access to communities, jobs for young people, royalties for the Elders, transmission lines to bring cleaner energy and most importantly they could show the world that they are a leader in Canada and promote future partnerships with their people's.

If the First Nations came forward with a reasonable deal for their stamp of approval things would begin to happen. Why would the Federal gov. Not allocate money for infrastructure? The government would get taxes and royalties. They would be seen as doing something good for First Nations. They would secure votes in Ontario!

But, if the Federal gov. Came to the table first, they may be concerned that they could be held "hostage" by First Nations to get more than other stake holders are prepared to give.

On another note, there was an article in the Winnipeg Free Press last weekend that Manitoba Hydro could build a transmission line straight to the Ring of Fire.

Just my opinions here and I am a long term holder / accumulator of Not.


almost 11 years ago
Re: NEWS ....... I like this line!!!!!

I like,"similar to or larger than the Eagle's Nest discovery"

Why would you put "or larger than" unless you have a target that you truly believe is larger than?

Drill bayby Drill!

over 13 years ago
Preparing to double down

Helllo all and Happy New Year

I do not post often but read allways. I am preparing to average down and double my shares as I think it is time. Here is why

- We are waiting on results and exploring new targets, surely we will find something.

- The world population just passed 7 Billion! They need resources!

- The earth is not making new natural resources and the easy pickings have been had!

-BRICK this has been said before but very realavent. Largest of the population growth and largest portion trying to claw up to the middle class.

- Gov't getting involved by announcing railroads and such, as well the unions and legislation. Need to creaqt jobs and help economy and get re-elected.

- can not be held down forever!

-Sir Richard still has all his shares? He knows something and is telling us all by his firm grip on his shares!

Many other reasons but there are so many that you all know about that it is pointless to post.

Thank you to all that bring relavent info to this board and help with DD.

t craig

over 13 years ago
t craig
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