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Falcon AGM Sydney 2016

G'day from Sydney, long-suffering Bird holders.

I attended the AGM in Sydney last Tuesday. Just managed to squeeze in to the room, next to 4 others.

Been attending these for 4 years and there has never been more than 6 shareholders in the room. Maybe the rest of them have jumped off the Harbour Bridge to end the pain.

Anyway, Philip's presentation was short, but encouraging. Basically, he said that any box that they have been able to fill is, given the progress thus far, has a a tick in it. In fact, there was not one negative issue or concern raised - anywhere. It's all good. So that's a relief.

Here's something else of interest:

Origin Energy, the operator of Falcon's joint venture Beetaloo Basin, Australia drilling program is presenting at the American Association of Petroleum Geologists ("AAPG") with SEPM ("Society for Sedimentary Geology") and Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists ("CSPG") Annual Convention & Exhibition 2016 at the BMO Centre at Stampede Park, Calgary on Monday 20 June 2016 a paper titled "Unconventional Gas Potential in the Northern Territory, Australia: Exploring the Beetaloo Sub-Basin". The paper will be presented by Dr. David Close, Chief Geologist and Unconventional Exploration Manager, Origin Energy.

Hopefully this will spark a few of the journo's and market commentators who might be present too.

Meanwhile, I sent Philip an email today suggesting that he get both company's websites up to scratch as they are both out of date - FalconAustralia's is woefully bad. He has responded that this will be done this week.

So what's happening in the near future?

1. They'll case Amungee this month and then frack early July.

2. They'll drill a vertical well in the South of the claim, 85kms South of Amungee.

3. They'll drill a vertical well in the Northern-most part of the claim, the purpose of which is to test for liquids. Presumably not water. Weak joke.

4. Then a decision will be taken which well - the one in the South or in the North - to frack.

This info should be available on the website in the coming days.

Philip is also very confident that the EL will be awarded in SA in the coming months too, which is also likely to have an impact on the sp.

So, long-suffering fellow shareholders, it does seem likely that something positive might happen to the share price between now and the end of the year.

And I happen to believe in Sanata too.

Go the Bird.

over 8 years ago
Re: Re-Think

Hi superspazz

I, like many of us out there, share your feelings.

I look with disbelief every day at the sp, still hovering arounf 16-17c, and scratch my head, uncomprehendingly. What the *#@K is going on?

Today, my folgf dropped another 4.28% to US0.148c.

How can this be?

The Bakken (that the industry talk about in revered tones) has an estimated 4 BBO's (Recoverable) with 47 Operators in the region, the Beetaloo has 21 BBO's (Recoverable) with just one Operator! The Falcon Team.

The Barnett Shale has 43TCF gas (Recoverable) with 16 Operators, while the Beetaloo has 161 TCF gas (Recoverable). With just the one same Team!

And the there is the Karoo ...

It really is one of life's Great Mysteries.

To which I have absolutely no answer.


about 10 years ago

Well, Moneytrader, Kip continues to be very bullish about his 'Stock of the Century'

This is what he wrote a couple of weeks ago:

Short term, like all of you I am sure, I am deeply disappointed in the stock price we are forced to live with, day in and day out. It is beginning to feel like Chinese water torture…the drip by drip that drove prisoners of war crazy. And, while I would fault no one for selling their shares in the face of this, as the Founder, Publisher and Editor of the VRA since 2003 I have one primary goal. That goal is to help you make as much money in the markets as possible. I believe…100%... that Falcon continues to have the ability to be that one investment in the stock market that can transform your investment accounts. Falcon is a potentially legacy building company, and unless you have the ability to get in on the ground floor (through insiders shares) of a highly successful tech/biotech company, it remains increasingly unlikely that you will find another stock with this kind of potential…especially in the global economy we face today. And yes, with drilling success in Australia, PetroHunter (PHUN) will see a massive move higher as well.

I hope this helps.

over 10 years ago

Funny you should ask that question, Tsoprano1.

For those of you who subscribe to Kip's VRA, we should get an update on PHUN soon.

I wrote to him this morning (prior to seeing your message) asking him specifically about PHUN and his response was that he "will update via VRA soon, but essentially, they own a ton of Falcon stock (close to 10%) and they have additional Australian oil and gas properties of their own. The downside is the debt ... more than $45 million, albeit in mostly friendly hands."

Go the Bird.

over 10 years ago
Falcon AGM in Sydney

Guys, new member here, writing from sunny Sydney.

A big hi to all - except that twit Herzog who I hope we never hear from again.

I have owned Falcon FOLGF since 2009, so I'm in the same boat as many of you - waiting, waiting, waiting - with a fair-sized investment tied up going absolutely nowhere ... for now.

BUT, I attended the Falcon Australia AGM on Friday where Philip presented to a massive crowd of ... 5 investors. I'm not sure why the turnout was so sparse, but anyway, the presentation was excellent and the main point I want to make is that we have in Philip O'Q an exceptional CEO. Not only is he extremely smart and sharp, but he is a hard worker, a clear and knowlegeable talker and is a born salesman. He could sell Guinness to the Irish.

Now obviously the assets that we own stand up for themselves - we dont need a silver-tongued salesman spruiking the benefits of our Company, but the point I'm making is that Philip is an outstanding figurehead and front man for Falcon and if anyone is capable of taking this Company to $1000 or $4000 per acre, it is this man.

One thing of note was revealed at the AGM and it was this: Philip had the deal tied up and signed off with Origin and Sasol on 27th November 2013. But guess who caused the delay? The F-ing solicitors.

The other point of interest was that Philip suggested that we might get the SA Exploration licenses awarded by the end of this year, but it may click over into 2015. However he also said that once the EL's are in place, the arrangements with Chevron will be completed very quickly - no legal delays expected.

So it seems that we need to continue with our infuriating patience for a little longer - but always remaining confident of our assets that we own. As Philip commented, if the estimated resources in the Beetaloo were only one tenth of what they have been set at, we would still have a world-class asset.

Falcon is set to fly. Our bird will soar.

over 10 years ago
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