Falcon Oil and Gas Ltd.

Welcome To The Falcon Oil and Gas HUB On AGORACOM A global energy company with projects in Hungary, Australia & South Africa
in response to moneytrader's message

Well, Moneytrader, Kip continues to be very bullish about his 'Stock of the Century'

This is what he wrote a couple of weeks ago:

Short term, like all of you I am sure, I am deeply disappointed in the stock price we are forced to live with, day in and day out. It is beginning to feel like Chinese water torture…the drip by drip that drove prisoners of war crazy. And, while I would fault no one for selling their shares in the face of this, as the Founder, Publisher and Editor of the VRA since 2003 I have one primary goal. That goal is to help you make as much money in the markets as possible. I believe…100%... that Falcon continues to have the ability to be that one investment in the stock market that can transform your investment accounts. Falcon is a potentially legacy building company, and unless you have the ability to get in on the ground floor (through insiders shares) of a highly successful tech/biotech company, it remains increasingly unlikely that you will find another stock with this kind of potential…especially in the global economy we face today. And yes, with drilling success in Australia, PetroHunter (PHUN) will see a massive move higher as well.

I hope this helps.

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