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rodvanmechelen's Posts

Re: Exit Proposal

I understand your desire to remain anonymous for the present, but can you share your qualifications for taking the reins of the company?

over 10 years ago
Re: explanation?

Bob Moriarty may be a crusty old buzzard who talks out his backside but I enjoy his gruff ruminations. These include the opinion that too many junior explorers spend their time exploring and mapping out resources hoping to be bought out. He believes more need to make the jump from explorer to junior developer. Their chief aim may still be to get bought out, but their valuation can only be helped if they are producing. Right now the price of gold is weak and could drop some more. I'd like to see it go to $1,000 - $1,100, though that would be bad for producers. Most of them act like they don't believe in their product. Instead of stockpiling their production, they're selling, often at a loss. Even those who are cashed up. Dumb move, in my opinion, but I'm just a guy with a computer, an opinion and no real world mining. Nevertheless, like probably all of you, I expect gold prices to turn around relatively soon, and if Frank & Co. have enough pennies in the bank to start even a small pit and begin leaching ounces out of the ground, that could not hurt and might turn into a big plus once gold and silver prices do begin their next climb.

about 11 years ago
Fed up with Earl

For the past 2 or 3 years I've been lurking, but Earl has dragged me out of the shadows. Perhaps Earl is unaware that Golden Hope is a high risk speculation. He certainly acts like he expected there to be a guarantee. If you want a guarantee, buy a refrigerator. If you want the chance to make outsized gains, do your due diligence and take responsibility for your choices. Most people here seem to understand that. Earl, evidently, does not. And so he whines. Which I wouldn't mind. The world is full of whiners. What's one more? Except that Earl's whining is adding to the risk of this speculative investment. It appears that he's trying to drag the company down and walk away with the spoils at our expense. And before you accuse me, Earl, of being a plant for the company, do check my profile, click on my bio, and then go check out my website. I can always use the traffic, you might even learn something and drop your petty lawsuit. And while you're there, check out the archives for the Women & Men section. You'll see a screen cap of another man named Earl, there. A Canadian, but from Alberta and a mensch, a real man, whose life meant something but whose tragic death accomplished little, whereas your self-serving whining and frivolous lawsuit will accomplish nothing.

over 11 years ago
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