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Re: So Long

Is there no way to put legal action against her. (BONNIE) PittBoss, Niedenewid.....

BOnnie is her real name.

I am puzzeled.. imagine the ( not over estimating) hundreds of hours this woman is spending

posting wrongful information and persuading people not to invest based on her lies is inexplicable.

I would be willing to pay part of the legal cost to make her pay for such a travesty on a company who has done nothing to her ... nothing.

what the f_ck is wrong wiht her?

over 12 years ago
Re: Spider Monkey

Dear Shaffer,

I almost pains me that someone of your obvious credibility would even waste time on what

any good councielor or psychologist would determine is an obese psychoit bitch. Imagine

any pick of the first 100 pages of a phone book could understand that someone who spends hours a day typing negativity and lies strategically placed within some truth for a company which this myserable obese disgusting erohw (backwards)


So she doesn't own a penny in this security and spends hundreds of hours typing trying to degrade it as well as degrade the new form of RPTN... Mabwe when infact she just now heard of

RRHI and Lantis and no sooner does she have a new target.

So i ask any of the 100, what would you determine this woman really is.

SHe's a very sick woman named Bonnnie who needs help.

BUt More importantly she needs ignoring.


over 12 years ago
Dear Enlightened?

Dear Enlightened,

Once again, you are my hero.

Where have you been for 4 years.

This disgustingly obese mongoloid, crater of acne women with 5 rolls at the belly button area

alone has been in a psychotic rage for freakin years. If there was a law for stock harrasment

she'd be under the jail. a friend of mine.. told me she was a head case. And mind you its hard

to be angry with someone who is mentally impaired but her rants cause onlookers doubt and

it go beyond comprehhension why in G-d's name she does this. I can't imagine spending one

split pea second on a stock i don't own. But she has commited a 5 year period on hundreds of

hours tearing down Raptor networks. It was relentlous. I don't have the financial skill such that

you do to interpret where her lies are and I just want to thank you for the effort. I really apprec

iate your going to bat for the team.

The flame i'm holding for raptor minerals is that I almost feel stupid in so much as noone else

gets that there is well over a billion dollars in Barite that easily calculates to several dollars a

share by the time the stock is reduced in share numbers around 130 m. The profit on such an

inventory is not bound by anything but the announcement of and sale of of this product.

AT that point i recognize that the price of the stock increases upon confidence of new investors

which propell the price buy buying the stock, not the minerals. But the concept that this is not

a hope that the old RPTN invents a new dynamic ribbon of internet speed and hopes the govt

will buy a contract for them to fix problems after congress, (another hope) funds the fking thing.

Not at all. This is realestate with a product that is saleable. It's a rare product that people are desparate to have!!!!!

SO what may i ask do you think it's going to take for the magic of buying to commense.

Most kindly and appreciably


over 12 years ago
Re: Enlightened: Out of the Darkness into the Light!

Where have you been all my life?

Indeed you are like the caped crusador landing on the Galactically insane, boligerant, mentally and psychotic stupid imbeciles of all time.

Finally a repromander of knowledge to get on with actual facts and positive energy.

It defies reason as to the result wanted by people who spew venem on a company which for Christ sake hasn't even yet gotten an official ticker.

It must be an area that only a medical professional can speak of.

An obese woman called Bonnie aka noddenwid has been, over a peiod of 4.5 years spending hours slamming RPTN.. OLD and NEW. for no reason other than a psychotic one.

Unfortunately until your post the information was not yet available. Or if it was i didn't have the skills to retrieve it.

It only stands to reason that a field of barite in the $600 M (concervatively speaking)

would be worth more than half a cent per share if you take the number of shares and devide into that number you are looking at astronomical figures.

And yet there is this inexplicable lull and compounded by a band of sore losers who can't distinguish,

red from green!

Just the thrust of the Barite, not to even touch upon the ash,lime, gold ,silver and more

it is without a doubt x infinity worth more thatn .08 cents a share if the reverse merger even takes it there in the immediate launch.

Your comments regarding the fact that you can find barite litterally on every corner of the globe.

Wait... what i meant to say was.." YOU CAN HARDLY FIND A CRUMB OF IT ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!

And here it is unquestionably the age of oil. We love it, We freaking hate it.

and we'll kill our Mother to get it.

Oil which has singularly shut up the fed regarding his abject lies about no inflation

and is 100% the most demanded resource there is. And what does it need to exist

other than the pipes to pump it out of the ground,????

Yes RPTN Barite. and what is it trading for? OMG .005 cents a share.

IT's unimaginable. It would make more sense to me if i woke up tomorrow morning and it opened at 5.00 a share. that in itself would be cheap.

Sorry to be on the verbose side but what i am is on the flabergasted side.

It simply defys reason, simply based on the information which is now documented.

Granted the system needs it's due course of confirmation, after the quiet period as well

as the legitimate course of the merger and new ticker symbol so im not saying sell your house

yet, But it is not something at the very least to make derogatory speeches about.

So thank you thank you thank you for your post.



over 12 years ago
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