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Re: Taylor says sell San Gold

Are we in this for the long game or the short game?

Thanks grgy, it hurts to see shares drop 50% but to blame it on a CEO and a dude who runs a fund in Toronto is ridiculous. Do you know where else I'm down 50-75%? every other gold junior and mid-tier in my portfolio. The only saving grace has been my pharma, infra and oil stocks because mining has been a slaughterhouse.

If you distrust SGR management so much as to think that there is a conspiracy theory, then maybe you should move on and invest somewhere where you feel your money will be managed better.

I invest in SGR because I believe a small gold mine that grows from 500tpd to 2000 + in a few years is something to look out for. They've built assets in Bissett and used them as leverage to start buying up smaller companies and properties in Manitoba and Timmins. These kinds of assets are fairly cheap but could generate big rewards like the current mine. These guys were nothing 5 years ago but a few geos and engineers with a headframe, a rusted mill and cheap second hand equipment. Now they're a modern operation who can command respect when they tour another minesite and could duplicate the success at Bissett again.

Will it happen? I don't know, but selling now isn't going to help much, so what the hell, might as well stick it out, at least they're improving.


almost 12 years ago
Re: Taylor says sell San Gold

I'm not sure what youyr expectations are of this company, or for that matter 90% of the people who post on this board.

I make occiasional visits here on agorcom as I hold a couple of shares and all I see is George bashing, like he has a say in what areas are mined, or what ground support is used underground..I mean come on, a CEO of a mining company is directed by his senior staff, the CEO plays the game with the bankers and lawyers and tries to put positive reinforcement, but every single decision is made by the lower level managers on the ground and the senior managers who oversee the purse strings.

And what is this Ned Goldman talk? The guy runs a fund where SGR is probably less than 5% of his holdings and you think that he's dictating 43-101 releases and mine profitablity? Do you not think that the author of the 43-101, or the mine manager and mine engineers give a rats ass about some fund manager? They have stock options and careers to look after, they work for themselves and for the good of the companies health. They look after their jobs and the jobs of their coworkers and know that a serious failing could mean a missed mortage payment. It's a fluid industry where an overreaching hand from Toronto means senior managers would walk out in disgust and look for work elsewhere.

Put aside your conspiracy theories, this is a regular mining company trying to make an honest buck, just like all the other ones in Canada, whether it's zinc, copper or gold. Some make it, others lose money, but every single one of them tries their hardest to build resources and mine safely and profitably.

Happy mining.


almost 12 years ago
Re: Record Production in Q1 2012

Silver, "Development ore" is the ore that you would mine to develop your mining blocks. So things like your level cuts, this will be more of an exploration and slower process which generates less tons and usually is lower grade since you kind of don't know where the ore starts and stops, so you poke around the edges and try to center the ore in your face. Once the levels are established, you just blast everything in between them using whatever mining method you choose. The idea is that once you're at that point you have a good idea of where the good gold is and the dilution can be kept down, you also use significantly cheaper mining methods than "development".

In narrow vein mining you establish levels and mine the blocks very quickly, you need a dozen or more faces, mininum, at all times. Which means you might have 4-6 development faces at a time and another 8 or 10 stoping blocks where you can draw ore from.

Again, this is at ALL times, year round, month by month. You don't just do all the development first and then all the stoping, you layer it so there is a lot of overlap. If you did all the development first and then the stopes, you would end up in a situation where you got not enough ore at first, then way too much. The key to mining is the utilization of mining equipment and people to ensure a steady flow of ore, not quick fluctuations to satisfy the market.

over 12 years ago
Re: Record Production in Q1 2012

What is this whole "development ore" you guys keep talking about?

It's a narrow vein gold mine, development ore for a level is mined in a month and cycled with stoping blocks. Someone fed you guys a line that you just won't stop believing. Drop this whole development ore stuff, that only exists when you're talking about a single stoping block, not an entire operation.

over 12 years ago
Re: Didn't Make the Team

I've seen guys come out of head frames in body bags and no, it wasn't in china, it was in Ontario. Arguably the safest mining jurisdiction in Canada. It might sound like a tired and cliche line from a guy in an office making day trades and betting shares, but safety and mining should never be taken for granted. Anything can happen, a bad fall of rock, a crippling fire, I invested in some gold mining company in Quebec called metanor a while back. Three guys died while rehabbing a shaft, stock tanked when the news came out.

To me someone who doesn't understand the importance of safety is green when it comes to mining, I don't care how many shares you trade, what do you think would happen to a nice multi million ounce deposit if the mill burns to the ground? Safety is not just people, it's equipment and property too.

almost 13 years ago
Re: Didn't Make the Team

"no impact on share price like no lost fingers or chipped teeth"

You're complete ignorance in this subject shows how green you are to be investing in the mining industry. My advice to you, either get educated or sell your shares.

Safety is production, lack of a strong safety record means lost man hours, fines and death. This isn't China, Canadian mining is not profit at all cost.

almost 13 years ago
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