San Gold Corporation

Welcome to the San Gold HUB on AGORACOM San Gold Corporation - one of Canada's most exciting new gold exploration and mining companies.
in response to AndyK's message

I'm not sure what youyr expectations are of this company, or for that matter 90% of the people who post on this board.

I make occiasional visits here on agorcom as I hold a couple of shares and all I see is George bashing, like he has a say in what areas are mined, or what ground support is used underground..I mean come on, a CEO of a mining company is directed by his senior staff, the CEO plays the game with the bankers and lawyers and tries to put positive reinforcement, but every single decision is made by the lower level managers on the ground and the senior managers who oversee the purse strings.

And what is this Ned Goldman talk? The guy runs a fund where SGR is probably less than 5% of his holdings and you think that he's dictating 43-101 releases and mine profitablity? Do you not think that the author of the 43-101, or the mine manager and mine engineers give a rats ass about some fund manager? They have stock options and careers to look after, they work for themselves and for the good of the companies health. They look after their jobs and the jobs of their coworkers and know that a serious failing could mean a missed mortage payment. It's a fluid industry where an overreaching hand from Toronto means senior managers would walk out in disgust and look for work elsewhere.

Put aside your conspiracy theories, this is a regular mining company trying to make an honest buck, just like all the other ones in Canada, whether it's zinc, copper or gold. Some make it, others lose money, but every single one of them tries their hardest to build resources and mine safely and profitably.

Happy mining.


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