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Re: Government report

I would like to thank crazytrade for this submission.

I reviewed the report and made the following observations:

- The ROF is certainly identified in a very meaningful way relative to other initiatves by being handled as a case study.

- The commentary by Wes was clear and concise.

- Commentary by other stakeholders in the ROF was consistent with positions previously stated.

- The message for long term sustainable training and employment for the local native communities was highlighted.

- The need for regulatory improvements was highlighted in relation to a number of Provncial / Territorial jurisdictions.

- A call for improved Federal / Provincial and Territorial co-operation and lessening of duplication was noted.

- It is clear that regulatory frameworks and efficiency of process is of concern throughout the country and I am hopeful that some meaningful best practices will be presented as we move forward.

almost 12 years ago
When will the light come on?

The recent comments on this board speak of the frustration many shareholders are feeling.

The developments involving lack of progress in the ROF generally and the resultant diminishing share price are certainly troubling but not particularly surprising as the actions that many on this board have called for have not occurred.

In my opinion, we have a valuable resource that has only increased in value and our near term concerns still remain the same. As an investor, I accept fully that sometimes the best of opportunities take longer to develop than I would like them to.

Finally, the benefits from the development of the ROF are greatly needed by all stakeholders and we can only hope that the light comes on for those who are able to make some meaningful changes to the current situation.

almost 12 years ago
Sometimes we need to take a breath

A lot has happened most recently on a macro basis which has certainly resulted in some nice moves in the market. Unfortunately, Noront was not one of the securities moving forward as evidenced by the current share price.

Some info concerning the developmet of the road to the ROF relative to Government participation is in my opinion encouraging.

Many of the recent posts here demonstrate the frustration felt by holders of this stock and some have even suggested how they feel others should respond under the circumstances.

I am not aware of any recent news suggesting that the larger minority shareholders have changed their position. Addionally, I continue to believe that the company is doing the right stuff to encourage the necessary support from various stakeholders.

Finally, I am of the opinion that the value proposition continues to be most compelling in spite of the risks associated with potential further dilution based on capital requirements.

about 12 years ago
Time to pull together in Ontario

Recent postings and news releases speak of an opportunity for resource development in the North and as many as 500 projects are said to be possibly considered in the next 10 years or so.

Clearly, the need to pull together in Ontario has never been stronger if we hope to receive our fair share of support. It should be no surprise that other initiatives outside Ontario would similarly like to be advanced as well.

For my purposes, I would like the ROF to be one of the earlier projects to move forward and I am encouraged by some of the commentary that demonstrates the interest on the part of various communities to commence preparations in this regard.

Ontario needs the employment and benefits that the ROF development will secure and the sooner the better.

about 12 years ago
The here and now

Like many others, I have been reading the ongoing discussions on this board and listening to the various news and business reports. I also went through the most recent year end financial statements for Noront to refresh my memory of the materials.

From my perspective, the value of the resource remains compelling and continues to improve.

Noront continues to do the right stuff in relation to their interaction with the local communities.

The presence of two substantial minority shareholders causes me to believe that their due diligence as completed in the recent past was also positive.

The current share price is certainly of concern and reflects the risk associated with the investment. For my purposes, any thought of averaging down must also include consideration as to potential further negative events and primarily in the area of additional dilution of shares due to further capital needs.

Any improvement in the politics surrounding the developmet in the ROF would be of benefit to all concerned and I continue to hope that this will not be too far away.

about 12 years ago
Get it done right

We can all see the effect of the current situation on the ROF and Noront.

I sincerely hope that the issues are resolved in the near term and that we do not end up in a similar situation in the future.

It would appear to me that any solution must address a concern voiced by ROF companies in the past which consisted of the need for necessary rules that companies could follow when dealing with particular stakeholders.

Additionally, we should also expect to see a meaningful dispute resolution process that would ensure continuity of particular initiatives. This would in my opinion be a crucial requirement to allow for the necessary certainty that we are sadly lackiing.

about 12 years ago
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