gamblor77's Profile

gamblor77's Posts

Re: This feels like a ghost town?

I haven't sold either, in fact I've picked up 20k shares so far in the .60s and plan on seeing a double on those this year for sure. I personally just haven't had time to say much recently after buying a new house but I'm sure as PDG does more infill and deep drilling we'll really start making big moves.

I'm keeping some cash free to pounce on more shares if/when they start showing that the open pit is expanding at depth. If they start moving toward the 400m+ range all bets are off and we should see $2-3 very quickly IMO.

Guess we'll have to see how the drilling goes but so far the results have been excellent from what I've seen.


over 13 years ago
Re: Does anyone else get the feeling...

No No I agree, PDG has had an incredible move and it's mostly due to the updated 43-101 with indicated oz from the looks of it, and the great drill results of course. I was just trying to say that it seemed to have hit a sticking point and has been locked in a trading range after that move, that's all. To me it didn't seem to be a "natural" stopping point it; or if it was it should be trading in 10 cent swings not 2-3 cents. I just feel this trading range has been orchestrated for the big boys to accumulate for a while before the next big leg up.

And you're right about stocks moving when they're ready, but how the big boys hold stocks down is by selling when the market looks weak to scare people out. Like being able to drop the SP 20 cents with 15k shares (due to low volume) and ridiculous times like that, that is the time frame when the pros pick to lower the SP.

But when a stock has huge news and everyone and their dog wants a piece and there is high volume there is nothing anyone can do.

Basically you get on board the train or get run over by it. However the big players with very long term investment strategies have the luxury of selling 100k or 1m shares here and there to head-fake people with "dissinterest" while having the little guys bail out in a panick, only to scoop up their shares all the way down.

There is definitely manipulation in stocks it's just not always as in-your-face and hostile and obvious as some believe. Regardless we're ready for another leg up any time now IMHO. Another sexy NR like the last few with a couple hundred metres of the good stuff and we're over $1 no problem.


over 13 years ago
Does anyone else get the feeling...

That PDG is being severely held down right now? It's showing all the signs of a good break out and in a tough market too. Usually that means big institution buying when you see one stock that's green in a sea of red.

I picked up 10k shares this past week and plan to start buying more soon while we're under $1. Don't kid yourselves, I realize the history of this stock with the KXL past has been beaten down for a long time now, but people ARE starting to take notice and 2 million indicated, OPEN PIT ounces in prime land in a very stable politcal environment is and incredible opportunity at these levels. Not to mention it really sounds like they have high potential to increase the pit from 300m to 600m deep, essentially doubling the resource to at least 4 million ounces.

Someone had asked why PDG is so much lower than GCU. I personally feel a lot has to do with the number of shares outstanding, PDG around 220 million where as GCU has roughly 100 million fully diluted. So that cuts the price in half, then you calculate the resource size and although GCU doesn't have a 43-101 yet (until Aug/Sept) their drill results indicate an already 5.5 million ounce deposit with the potential to expand to 10 million. So that is currently double the resource size of PDG which cuts the PDG SP in half again (to roughly $1 in this very harsh environment).

With that all being said, GCU has taken a serious beating of 20-30% in the past week whereas PDG hasn't moved much either way. I would rather take the non movement rather than the 30% loss personally but I got both because I also own 10k GCU :(

Regardless, I STRONGLY feel PDG is worth $1.75-$2.50 as it stands right now since GCU should really be worth $4.50-$5 and compared to TRR (another stock I own) GCU is undervalued.

So if you connect all the dots basically PDG should move well north of $1 in the next month and GCU and TRR will most likely move as well up (to $5 and $6+ respectively) since they're also open pit deposits in Ontario.

I didn't mean to turn this into an infomercial for stocks that I personally own but I've been doing TONS of DD an trying to keep things in perspective by comparing the valuations and pros/cons of each.

As far as I'm concerned PDG is the easiest to mine and most likely the best target for an up and coming junior miner to buy out. As they do the feasibility study they will jump them that much further ahead and this sub .70s shenanigans will be WAY in the rearview mirror IMO.

We'll just have to be patient for a little while long and see how it goes but after all the bitter KXLers are done selling at bargain basement prices we'll be moving up quickly if I had to venture guess.


over 13 years ago
Re: Hub Leaders

Hey now before you go removing my dusty old a$$ I would like to let you to know I will be buying back in this week and plan on contributing more to the board... well more than my exactly ZERO posts that is.

I took an $80k hit on KXL when the market crashed in 08' so I wasn't exactly chipper...but I do believe they have turned over a new leaf and under Brian's management and with Magino and other prospects they have all the ammunition they need to do very well this year.

With gold ready to break $1500 this week gold fever will be upon us and Prodigy is really going to heat up this year, just you wait and see!. They have 2 million indicated oz (not just inferred but INDICATED) with the potential to double that from the sounds of it.

I find that quite impressive and it's actually a pretty big deal. Just like the recent valuation stated, their NPV / maket cap should really be upwards of $350-400 million (or at LEAST $1.50-2/share currently based on the gold in the ground without speculation).

In all honesty I have always had a soft spot for KXL/PDG and it's nice to see a lot of the old faithfuls still around because there is a lot of great talent on this board. I recognize almost every single name on here so it's cool to know you're not jumping right into the lion's den and hoping people aren't lying to you like I've seen many many times.

I'm sure some of you would rather not be here and would like to get off the roller coaster but regardless you're still here and your contributions are still excellent.

I have traded many different stocks and posted on many boards in the past few years and literally NONE of them had the same number of solid posters and people willing to share info the way this board does.
It's a real rarity and I was a little sad when I had to sell but I was in hard times and did what I had to. Even though you're not supposed to get attached to stocks the people kept me coming back.
I just wanted to say thanks for all the hard work and in a way, moral support when things got rough. I feel very strongly that the tides are changing now so we'll just have to cross our fingers and see how it goes.



over 13 years ago
Re: GCU insiders buying 300.000 shares @ $ 2.40

The irony in this situation is 5m oz could be pretty low in fact, Frasier Mackenzie is already estimating 5.8 million with the potential to grow even further.

With every successful 50m step out hole that adds a potential 300k ounces to the deposit. I remember reading an article that stated the deposit would be 6-8 million ounces if they reach the 1500m strike length. Well we're already at 1300m without any signs of slowing down. So eventually someone will have to take notice and this will correct huge to the upside IMO.

I keep saying I'm shocked this isn't over $3 yet and I honestly believe that, not just because I own a ton of shares but because the valuation alone is so obvious.

Hopefully we'll get some drill results tomorrow or Wed and we can start making moves upward to $3 and beyond, so frustrating. At least it looks as though all those warrants are gone now and the selling pressure has subsided. Time for the next leg up methinks...



over 13 years ago

This BETTER drive the prices up or I will lose my mind. I can't believe how undervalued we are right now this is ridiculous!!


January 18, 2011 - 8:31 AM EST

Gold Canyon Announces Remaining Silver Assays From 2010 Drilling at Springpole Gold Project

Jan. 18, 2011 (Marketwire) --

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA -- (Marketwire) -- 01/18/11 -- Gold Canyon Resources Inc. (TSX VENTURE: GCU)(PINK SHEETS: GDCRF) ("Gold Canyon" or "the Company") is pleased to announce the remaining silver assays from the Summer 2010 Diamond Drill Program at its 100% controlled Springpole Gold Project, 110 kilometres northeast of the Red Lake Mining Camp, Ontario, Canada. Silver assays from holes SP10-019, -022, -024, -025, -026, -028 and -029, all of which drilled across various parts of the Portage Zone, continue to demonstrate that appreciable silver accompanies gold in this large porphyry system.

-- A summary of results includes:

SP10-019: 307 meters at 1.44 grams per tonne gold and 5.48 grams per
tonne silver
SP10-022: 223 meters at 1.45 grams per tonne gold and 5.03 grams per
tonne silver
SP10-024: 225 meters at 1.48 grams per tonne gold and 4.73 grams per
tonne silver
SP10-025: 38 meters at 1.53 grams per tonne gold and 2.55 grams per
tonne silver
SP10-026: 353 meters at 1.17 grams per tonne gold and 3.86 grams per
tonne silver
SP10-028: 108 meters at 1.75 grams per tonne gold and 9.30 grams per
tonne silver
SP10-029: 132 meters at 2.30 grams per tonne gold and 10.80 grams per
tonne silver

-- All intercepts drilled across various parts of the Portage Zone display
appreciable silver with gold (see table below). Silver-to-gold ratios
range from 1.1 : 1 to 10.8 : 1 and average about 4.4 : 1. Consistent
gold and silver values in the Portage Zone reflect the disseminated and
stockwork nature of mineralization in this large porphyry body, and
although gold and silver values vary somewhat from place to place, no
clear metal zonation has yet been recognized within the porphyry.

-- Interestingly, silver values appear to be much lower in veins that are
part of the Main Zone (note two intercepts from hole SP10-025 in table
below) and situated peripheral to the porphyry body. For example, a one
meter vein intercept that assayed 45 grams per tonne gold bears less
than 0.3 grams per tonne silver. It is believed that this contrast,
significant silver in the porphyry and little in adjacent veins,
reflects either 1) a primary zonation associated with the original
porphyry mineralizing event, or 2) that adjoining gold veins formed
through late remobilization and deposition of gold during deformation
and alteration but the fluids responsible did not carry appreciable

-- The table below summarizes drill intercepts from the Portage Zone from
the 2010 Diamond Drill Program. Note that this table includes newly
reported intervals from some earlier reported holes using a lower cut-
off grade of 0.2 grams per tonne gold and internal dilution not
exceeding core lengths of 12 meters.

-- Presently, the strike length of the northwesterly-striking Portage Zone
stands at approximately 950 meters. This zone remains open at depths in
excess of 300 meters along its entire length. True widths of the zone
generally range from 90 to 150 meters, but locally widen to as much as
250 meters. The zone remains open at depth, to the southeast and
northwest where it appears to plunge underneath the Main Zone.

-- The winter drill program is in progress. Two diamond core rigs are
operating and a third is expected to start within a few days. Two holes
testing shallow portions of the Portage Zone have been completed. Cold
weather has settled in making conditions favourable for building up ice
and making drill pads on the lake.

"In 2010, we drilled eighteen holes testing various parts along the strike of the Portage Zone," comments Dr. Quinton Hennigh, technical advisor to Gold Canyon. "We now feel more confident about our understanding of this large gold-silver system. For example, we usually see gold and silver values gradually rise, peak, then gradually diminish as we drill across this zone. Seldom do we see values above 10 grams per tonne gold within the porphyry, so the intervals we report are not "carried" by a few high assays. The weighted average grade of Portage Zone intercepts from the eighteen holes drilled in 2010 is 1.36 grams per tonne gold and 5.95 grams per tonne silver, a silver-to-gold ratio of 4.4 : 1. The Portage Zone bifurcates in places, perhaps reflecting late structural displacement. Although we have a lot more work to do, our picture of the Portage Zone is quickly becoming clearer."

The Winter 2011 Diamond Drill Program, now underway, is part on an ongoing program of drilling and remodelling of the Springpole deposit to move it towards prefeasibility. Drilling is planned through early April 2011, at which time work will begin on revising the resource estimate for the deposit.

Springpole is an alkaline intrusion hosting a gold system that represents a potentially new style of Canadian Archean Shield gold deposit. Springpole shares many similarities with deposits such as the Cripple Creek Gold deposit in Colorado. The Portage Zone is hosted by a trachytic porphyry intrusion displaying polyphase autolithic breccias that contain gold mineralization of remarkably uniform grade. Other zones including East Extension, Camp and Main consist of high grade veins and pods hosted in diatreme breccias composed of intrusive and country rocks. These diatreme breccias surround the northwest and northern margins of the Portage Zone. The known mineralized zones underlie a total known area of about 4 square kilometers representing only about 15 percent of the greater alkaline intrusive complex which remains yet to be explored.

Core was logged, then split using diamond saws, with one half sent for analyses and the other half stored for future reference. Quality control programs include the use of duplicates, standards and internal and external check assaying. Certified sample standards were submitted with the normal sample stream. Gold and silver assays were completed by SGS Canada Inc. in Red Lake and Toronto, Ontario using a 30 gram charge, fire assay, with an ICP finish. For over limit assay results, initial assays in excess of 10.0 grams per tonne Au, a gravimetric finish is utilized.

Quinton Hennigh, Ph.D., P.Geo. and Alan Roberts, M.Sc., P.Geo. are the Qualified Persons pursuant to National Instrument 43-101 responsible for, and have reviewed and approved, the technical information contained in this news release. Dr. Hennigh is acting as a technical adviser to Gold Canyon and Alan Roberts is the Senior Geologist of Alaska Earth Sciences, Inc. and Project Manager at Springpole.

To view the table associated with this release, please visit:

About Gold Canyon Resources Inc.:

Gold Canyon is engaged in the acquisition and exploration of mineral and precious metals properties. The Company controls a 100% interest in the Springpole Gold - Horseshoe Island Gold, Platinum, Palladium Project and Favourable Lake Poly-metallic property currently under option to Shoreham Resources Inc. pursuant to an option and joint venture agreement entered into in December 2005 - all in the Red Lake Mining District of Ontario, Canada.

Through its wholly owned U.S. subsidiary, Gold Canyon Resources USA Inc., the Company controls a 100% interest in the Cordero Gallium Project situated in Humboldt County, Nevada, U.S.A.

Gold Canyon entered into a Joint Exploration Agreement with the Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation (JOGMEC) in January 2009.

Additional information can be found on the Company's website:

Akiko Levinson, President & Director

Certain statements contained in this news release using the terms "may", "expects to", "project", "estimate", "plans", and other terms denoting future possibilities, are forward-looking statements in respect to various issues including upcoming events based upon current expectations which involve risks and uncertainties that could cause actual outcomes and results to differ materially. The future conduct of the Company's business and the feasibility of its mineral exploration properties are dependent upon a number of factors and there can be no assurance that the Company will be able to conduct its operations as contemplated and the accuracy of these statements cannot be guaranteed as they are subject to a variety of risks that are beyond our ability to predict or control and which may cause actual results to differ materially from the projections or estimates contained herein. The risks include, but are not limited to, the risks described in the above press release; those risks set out in the company's disclosure documents and its annual, quarterly and current reports; the fact that exploration activities seldom result in the discovery of a commercially viable mineral resource and are also significant amounts of capital to undertake and the other risks associated with start-up mineral exploration operations with insufficient liquidity, and no historical profitability. The Company disclaims any obligation to revise any forward looking statements as a result of information received after the fact or regarding future events.

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.

Gold Canyon Resources Inc.
(604) 682-3234 or Toll Free: 1-888-242-3234
(604) 682-0537 (FAX)

Gold Canyon Resources Inc.
Leo Karabelas
Investor Relations
(416) 543-3120

Source: Marketwire (January 18, 2011 - 8:31 AM EST)

News by QuoteMedia




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