Warp10's Profile

Warp10's Posts

Re: "Next Week"

Agree. I thought I was going to be rich at least 2 years ago, not broke. However, unless I'm mistaken, this isn't the last week. There should be more to follow.

I'm now basically hoping SFMI rises before the SHTF and all gold mines are nationalized. The government and its algos have already screwed me these past few years. Sure don't want them to screw me over again by taking over all mines just when SFMI finally gets its act together.


about 11 years ago
Re: A thought

I used to post a lot on the old ECU forum, but I even stopped that as I realized I had better things to do with my time.

My primary holding is SFMI, but I really don't have anything to add that isn't already spelled out here by people, such as you Pic, that know a great deal more about SFMI.

This forum is pretty strict about posting anything that isn't directly related to SFMI, so I don't post much at all. Not even on AUM, which I don't own, but the forum is pretty much the same as ECU was. Still, I have better things to do with mytime.

As for SFMI, I patiently wait for that magic day when the stock price actually goes up, and keeps going up, to be joyful. Until then, I simply check to see what's happening and what's being said here.

The major hope I have is that SFMI will actually make my net worth increase before the Dollar itself becomes worthless. Luckly, if SFMI doesn't do me justice, my physical gold and silver holdings will.


over 11 years ago
Re: SFMI and GHDC trading today

If I was a personality type like JR Ewing, I'd keep my plans close to the chest. Plan, connive, cheat, not say a word, until ready to pounce.

I've always found it odd how quiet SFMI is about ANY info about the goings-on behind the scenes. To, me, it doesn't have the feel of incompetence. The managements' actions feel like people that have a plan and damn well aren't going to leak it.

Just look what has happened to that piece of bare land SFMI has developed. All this development isn't taking place because some old guy had nothing better to do with his time or money.

Think about this: there are hardly any PR's, even about what can be physically seen. If it wasn't for Bobby Joe living close by, we'd all know even less, and we're shareholders. Then when the annual shareholder meetings occur, the improvements would be known, but only the shareholders and any info offered on forums like this.

I just feel that there is some major planning going on, and it means not having the share price screaming higher, yet. All this development going on and trying as much as possible to keep it from the pubic's eye.

Now, having said that, I'm probably totally out in left field, but something in my gut says hang around for the planned payout.


almost 12 years ago
Re: I must be crazy (We're all crazy)

Good grief, has it really been 5 years since I wrote that?

Oh well, still patiently waiting for the PM stocks to move in the up direction, which probably won't happen sector-wide until TPTB have lost their power. In other words, when the Dollar can no longer be used to control the world, and we've seen many examples this year of countries no longer using the Dollar for global trade.


almost 12 years ago
Re: Rich Kaiser came through for me. 40ft extension.

I would imagine that posting the picture on iflub won't do any good, at least for the shills.

The whole milling operation has been built for everyone to see via the webcam. That didn't prevent the fear-snakes from spewing forth venom. Neither will an additional picture showing 40 more feet of mill building.

I haven't even looked at iflub for about a year. I have other things to do besides view the posts of stupid people.

There could be a benefit, maybe, of posting the picture there; any newcomers could possibly see the pictures and the progress the SFMI operation has made. However, I could foresee the picture not being allowed because some super-duper smart moderator deciding it's off-topic. After all, isn't anything SFMI positive considered off-topic on a board that's setup for only negative posts?


over 12 years ago
Re: from IW (deleted on the other board)

This is very similiar to Walt Disney secretly buying worthless swamp land in Florida.


over 12 years ago
Essex Junction, VT
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