Silver Falcon Mining

Welcome to the Silver Falcon Mining HUB on AGORACOM (Edit this Message from the "Fast Facts" Section)
in response to bigpic4ever's message

If I was a personality type like JR Ewing, I'd keep my plans close to the chest. Plan, connive, cheat, not say a word, until ready to pounce.

I've always found it odd how quiet SFMI is about ANY info about the goings-on behind the scenes. To, me, it doesn't have the feel of incompetence. The managements' actions feel like people that have a plan and damn well aren't going to leak it.

Just look what has happened to that piece of bare land SFMI has developed. All this development isn't taking place because some old guy had nothing better to do with his time or money.

Think about this: there are hardly any PR's, even about what can be physically seen. If it wasn't for Bobby Joe living close by, we'd all know even less, and we're shareholders. Then when the annual shareholder meetings occur, the improvements would be known, but only the shareholders and any info offered on forums like this.

I just feel that there is some major planning going on, and it means not having the share price screaming higher, yet. All this development going on and trying as much as possible to keep it from the pubic's eye.

Now, having said that, I'm probably totally out in left field, but something in my gut says hang around for the planned payout.


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