Quazzy's Profile

Exploration Industry

Quazzy's Posts

Re: From Update....Mikey

Thanks Whaler...

Yes, Mikey.... it appears one seller TD has been selling for the last 2 weeks... and has been dropping approx.... 100k lots or more... into the bids.

We still have a TD buyer that has been supporting.. and at these prices Scotia and Questrade have picked up a bunch.

Hopefully that TD seller will run out soon.. and we will see our large shareholders re stabalize our S/P.


over 14 years ago
Re: ... Wish I did!!!..beer talk

Hi Traps,

Yes, the magnetic trend particularily these intense magnetic highs are more then likely our heat source for the flow/concentrating of our Ni ore on the Groves property. I haven't studied the Groves geology so I can't say for sure.. but that is geophysics/drilling 101.

It is just a matter of LBE getting the drills on the property to get an idea of geology vs the geophysical responses.. and start drilling up a resource. I'm very excited to see how big of a resource LBE can add up.. as the mineralization to date is right at surface.. and will be easy to open pit.

I took a look at that pic on slide 4. Hard to say what that pic is. Could be a pile of rubble/mine blast rock (from the Emperior Shaft) or... several other things like a rubbly top of a VMS pipe.. etc. I'd have to study that deposit to get a better idea.

Now that we are in commercial production on both sites... won't be long till LBE has the extra cash to start drilling up some additional resources/reserves. Should be an interesting year.


over 14 years ago

Hi Rob,

We would have to see a substantial fall in Ni prices (way below $6) for LBE to go back into care and maintenance. This is of course just my opinion based on the financials, NI reports which indicate break even points, basic business sense and the fact that Ni prices are pegged in the $7 - $7.50 range for 2010, but baring any world colapse.. this is a fairly safe investment.

All the best.


over 14 years ago
Re: ... Wish I did!!!..beer talk

Hi Traps,

Traps said "Wanderer5, don"t know if you recall our discussion a bout a yr back when i ask the board about the black section of the VTEM on the Groves."

I see you are still asking this question... so I'll make it simple for the board. I have experience with geophysics and interpreting/mapping software.

The black sections on the magnetic map you posted are intensive (very strong) magnetic anomalies. The black spots are contour lines. Possibly the map creator had the contour number very low.. e.g. maybe set at 10. If it had been set higher at like 50 then there would be fewer contour lines.. and would show up clear as lines.. not blobs.

There is also the chance the map creator might have done it correctly.. but if the map was very large.. and was later shrunk (to fit on a web site) then when it is shrunk the lines would also show up as a blobs. If I didn't explain this correctly.. think of a contour map indicating elevation. If you had a steep 1000ft mountain that was 50 meters wide... and you had the contour elevation set at 5 feet... the contour lines would be so close... they will show up as a blob.

The black blobs are nothing more then intensive magnetic anomalies. This is a good thing as many ore bodies reside within or along side high mag/iron formations. If the company had also posted the EM (electromagnetics) map... we could then overlay the two.. and see what structures coorelate with each other, but most companies will not post the EM as it is proprietary information.


over 14 years ago
Re: TSX Delisting Review Favorable

Tant said "The cross trades between TD seem to help matters. Any ideas who that might be? Its been happening for a very long time as others have pointed out in the past."

Tant.. they don't seem to be intentional. TD has been the largest buyer since LBE started trading again. Every so often we see another TD account put some shares up for sale and they cross (stay within the same house). The shares I bought this week were doing the same (crossing through the same house).

Would be nice to know who with a TD account is doing all the buying.. as they seem to have a lot of money behind them.


almost 15 years ago
Re: Stock performance confounding

We seem to be stuck in this 3 cent trading range due to a couple factors.

Anytime LBE gains any momentum, RBC comes in and drops hundreds of thousands of shares. Again yesterday... dropped another 100k at 19 cents.

On the other hand... we are seeing a few other houses (especially TD) showing continued support and willing to buy up anything upto about 20 cents.

As soon as RBC runs out of shares.. we should be on our way.

GL all.


almost 15 years ago
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