Liberty Mines Inc

Ni, Co, Cu, PGM, Au Properties in Ontario Canada Producing Mines and "state-of-the-art" Mill
in response to traps7's message

Hi Traps,

Traps said "Wanderer5, don"t know if you recall our discussion a bout a yr back when i ask the board about the black section of the VTEM on the Groves."

I see you are still asking this question... so I'll make it simple for the board. I have experience with geophysics and interpreting/mapping software.

The black sections on the magnetic map you posted are intensive (very strong) magnetic anomalies. The black spots are contour lines. Possibly the map creator had the contour number very low.. e.g. maybe set at 10. If it had been set higher at like 50 then there would be fewer contour lines.. and would show up clear as lines.. not blobs.

There is also the chance the map creator might have done it correctly.. but if the map was very large.. and was later shrunk (to fit on a web site) then when it is shrunk the lines would also show up as a blobs. If I didn't explain this correctly.. think of a contour map indicating elevation. If you had a steep 1000ft mountain that was 50 meters wide... and you had the contour elevation set at 5 feet... the contour lines would be so close... they will show up as a blob.

The black blobs are nothing more then intensive magnetic anomalies. This is a good thing as many ore bodies reside within or along side high mag/iron formations. If the company had also posted the EM (electromagnetics) map... we could then overlay the two.. and see what structures coorelate with each other, but most companies will not post the EM as it is proprietary information.


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