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Re: Deutsche Bank's new business---gold mining!

What did Deutchebank actually get in their seizure. Just the mine ? What about the infrastructure, equipment, crusher, elevators, mining equipment. what? I recall that Peggy maintained title to the equipment as she had a $700.000 loan secured by the equipment.

Interesting times ahead..... no question.

over 12 years ago
Re: Deutsche Bank's new business---gold mining!

Goldfinger99..... if your suggested thesis is correct, ie. Peggy Kent ends up owning her old stomping grounds, as I've said a few times ..... Business always befuddles me.

The possibilities are almost comical now.

  • Peggy reconstitutes Century Mining

  • Peggy finds the missing gold.

  • Peggy asks investors to trust her.

Seeing how things are really quiet on the Posters Board let me put out this question.....

If Peggy Kent were to do all of the above would YOU (Mr & Mrs. investor( buy shares in Century Mining Duh !

over 12 years ago
Re: Is the anguish finally over?

Normally I keep my charts and systems to myself because everybody has their own methodologies. I digresss this time because while

MACD, (Moving Average Convergence Divergence) shows a crossover into the 'Buy" consideration time, and Bullish prediction

Bollinger Bands shows neutral, and

RSI, (Relative Strength Index), anytime below 30 is a "Buy" consideration

This situation for the past 3 months is so convoluted, that I don't even trust the systems that have worked for me up to now. So I'm a fence sitting spectator with nothing to really observe or do. If I were to give Maxim Finskiy any advice, it would be ....... don't go back on BNN, not yet if ever again.

over 12 years ago
Re: IIROC Trade Resumption – WTG (all issues)

Surprised by the Monday morning non-reaction......or maybe not.

For the past 5 year this company has been like the movie "Jaws".

"Just about the time you thnk it was safe to go back into the water......."

There are too many operational and business facts here for anybody who wasn't a party to discussions with DB to have any inkling of what was going on and why. All we really know is the end result.

over 12 years ago
For the Theorists .......

Add this to the theories that are going to be generated over the next while.

This "theory" relates to the releasing of some decent news and how fast this "dump Lamaque" occurred.

Deutchebank didn't play their hand without major negotiations between the parties, namely, WTG (represented by Finskiy and McBurney) and Deutchebank.

I can see Finskiy saying to DB...... "Look, based on the major upturn in gold price, you have more than hansomely had your loan repaid + reaped massive profits and you still stand to gain more gravy as the loan repayment continues.". WTG's position is that the loan has been paid in full and WTG wants immediate forgiveness." Deutchebank in their usual greedy position said ... "No, a deal is a deal and we're holding you to it or we'll call in our security". Finskiy said "OK, it's yours" and walked away.

It took time to write that News Release and to set the terms and conditions of giving up Lamaque and San Juan. Getting the NR to the market minutes before Friday market close is revealing that this event was frantic over the past few days.

..... another theory

Announcing that San Juan was for sale spooked Deutchebank. WTG was selling off an asset. Grab any cash and run???? would be enough to spook a Bank. Until now, DB have been in the driver's seat, however, all of a sudden they find themselves as spectators like us.

My position. Let next week happen. Enjoy the dance....... we've all certainly paid for it.

over 12 years ago
Re: White Tiger Announces Default by Century Mining Corporation Under Forward Gold..

The pieces are starting to fit. Here's how I'm interpretting these new events.

When Peggy exited CMM, Finskiy had an incling (or knew) that he had been sold a bad bill of goods. They decided that they had no choice but to try and make it work bringing WTG and the Russian assets into the equation. This explains Finskiy/Scola absolutely refusing and with hostility to renegoitiate the terms of the Merger.

However, they reached the recent conclusion that they were going to have to pump more money into CMM in order to satisfy the Deutchebank commitment. Considering what the price of gold was 2 years ago and what it is today, Deutchebank were laughing all the way to the gold vaults. Finskiy felt that DB had already been paid by gold price circumstances with a handsome profit and said "no more", "enough is enough", I'm (Finskiy) not putting any more money into CMM so that DB can laugh even louder. If DB wants the rest of their goid let them go and get it themselves, hence the default and DB exercising their security which entails taking of the two mines.

I note Kirkland is identified in the NR. Typically, if I am correct that DB have reaped handsomely on this venture, then all DB wants is a bit more gravy and Kirkland (Scola) are prepared to come to the table with cash. If DB are the owners by default, Lamaque and San Juan could also go to the highest bidder such as Integra next door.

One thing I'm going to have difficulty saying is that the day may come when .... and I point this out to nt300.... that we'll be thankful that we're holding WTG paper. Had the Merger not gone thru and we were still holding CMM paper..... poof ! At least the WTG paper still has some Russian assets and value to it. Monday..... all eyes will be glued to the bid/ask tables. It wasn't that long ago that we saw CMM @ .005 and saw it rise to 80 cents. We could see WTG down to .005 on Monday but at least its still alive. Depending on you risk adversity, WTG at .005 could be a way to minimize dilution. I'm reminded of those warrants coming up in Nov. for $1.50.

To Orange Flash I respond.........If I'm even close to being on the mark, there was a question back in the pre-Merger days of a Class Action Lawsuit. I don't think that a CAL against Finskiy is where it is at based on today. I think that a CAL could be warranted against Peggy Kent and surprise, surprise Maxim Finskiy, and Fran Scola would also be listed as claimants. When you add up the 100's of millions of dollars that have gone into CMM, them's fighting words for the big boy players.

Notice how fast things unfolded once McBurney came onto the scene as C.E.O.? We've individually paid for one helluva show and I think we're going to get it. I'm suggesting that Finskiy has to now make WTG work standing alone on its own if he is to ever gain any respect in his peer community.

Could Maxim Finskiy end up being our hero for at least trying?

Nothing in business ever surprises me anymore.

over 12 years ago
Fredericton, New Brunswick
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