White Tiger Gold

Add this to the theories that are going to be generated over the next while.

This "theory" relates to the releasing of some decent news and how fast this "dump Lamaque" occurred.

Deutchebank didn't play their hand without major negotiations between the parties, namely, WTG (represented by Finskiy and McBurney) and Deutchebank.

I can see Finskiy saying to DB...... "Look, based on the major upturn in gold price, you have more than hansomely had your loan repaid + reaped massive profits and you still stand to gain more gravy as the loan repayment continues.". WTG's position is that the loan has been paid in full and WTG wants immediate forgiveness." Deutchebank in their usual greedy position said ... "No, a deal is a deal and we're holding you to it or we'll call in our security". Finskiy said "OK, it's yours" and walked away.

It took time to write that News Release and to set the terms and conditions of giving up Lamaque and San Juan. Getting the NR to the market minutes before Friday market close is revealing that this event was frantic over the past few days.

..... another theory

Announcing that San Juan was for sale spooked Deutchebank. WTG was selling off an asset. Grab any cash and run???? would be enough to spook a Bank. Until now, DB have been in the driver's seat, however, all of a sudden they find themselves as spectators like us.

My position. Let next week happen. Enjoy the dance....... we've all certainly paid for it.

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