Fast1959's Profile

Fast1959's Posts

FN and the Calgary Ring Road

For those who have either lived in Calgary or currently live in Calgary you must be aware of the hostage taking incident the FN in Alberta put up against all levels of government back in 2009. With the Alberta government offering almost a half billion (yes with a "B") to settle the land for the road our FN turned this offer down. But only to come back later when the city decided to re map the road around thier(our) land. go figure, it just makes me sick to hear this stuff.

I just don't get it and this is vurtually the same thing, just different lands.

Still holding a small portion but basically out of NOT at this point.

Thanks, Fast....

about 12 years ago
Re: And so it begins

I'm not sure if management is intentionally trying to keep this company under the radar, but rather, I beleive they are taking a "realistic approach" to value. Nothing worse than touting a great company only to have it fall flat on its face. I know many of them that have taken the values to great hieghts, only to have its share price reduced to pennies as a direct result of under acheivement. KXl comes to mind, CXX is another. This strategy is realisitic, and lends credibility to the board. It also confirms, at least to me , that their intentions are to bring this company to production.

Actually I like the share price where it is. Is the market willing to pay more for what is proven at this point? The market say no, right now..... As Noront builds on its resources, the share price will grow incrementally in direct proportion to its ability to generate future cash and value. Keep in mind we are only at the beginning. Lots of money to be made by all types of Investors.

IMO, the crucial tipping point will be the railroad. We know its coming, we know what it costs etc.....But when the shovel hits the ground after all the nesessary assessments, I firmly beleive things will heat up like never before....

The ROF, will be either a great area or a flop.....much depends on the patience of each company and their ability to bring value through prudent management and realistic expectations, cooperation and addressing the needs of the many interested parties.

The turtle always wins the race! have a great week......Fast

over 14 years ago
Institutional Investors

Good day everyone,

I've spent the last 28 years or so working in the investment business at all levels and wish to pass something along. Take it for what it is! If your frustrated and running out of patience with NOT, join the rest of the group. It seems to be the concesus here.

When Institutional investors wish to buy into a play, where do the shares come from? Generally retail, because retail is willing to sell. It is a very well known fact that retail has a very low threshold for risk tolerances. They may have bump up a few cents to get what they want and spend some time doing it, but in the end they get their shares.

Institutes have patience. Period. This play is not thier only investment! Many companies spread risk throughout their investment portfolio by investing in many different mining or exploration companies all with different timelines. Some in exploration, mine development , producing etc. By doing this it allows the managers to realize on their DD and doesn't put the company in a position of "eggs in one basket"syndrome.. Really no different that what we all try do. Diversification.

In my opinion Noront is mine development phase. We have a resource. Will we see $7.00 anytime soon. I don't beleive we will. We saw $7.00 in 2008 as Noront was a junior mining company in the exploration phase. Not to mention raising capital as well. Their was nothing "financially"in 2008 that would support this kind of share price. no dividend, no PE ratios, and really no revenue. Just interest, hype, greed, call it what you want.

Today we have a very different company. Each step along the way to expanding the resource will determine it's value. Keeping mind, the cost of infrastructure will be factored in. You've got a BOD that wish to proceed accordingly and have the share value reflect the true value of its endeavours. RN was a marketer and a salesman. A very good one at that. Not taking anything away from this gentleman, but I don't beleive we would be were we are today with him in charge. I'm not slamming him, just speaking freely. Agree or disagree, I am very comfortable with the current BOD.

So, to sum this all up, where in for the long ride. Maybe a takeout, maybe not. But likely if the ROF acheives the status that all want it too. That simply makes good business sense.

Approx 30 days to golfing season, and looking forward to it.

Have a great day eveyone......Fast

over 14 years ago
This board is beginning to feel like Stockhouse!

Far be it for me to criticize anyone on these boards, but........ they daily outbreaks of immaturity, threatening letters to the BOD, First Nations etc etc..., whatever is just plain silly and does demostrate ones impatience and business acumen.

My suggestion, go buy directly into one of the funds that holds Noront Resouces. This way you'll can voice your concerns to the fund manager who will likely sluff you off, but at least get the satisfaction with someone that for one millisecond did actually listen to you.

Pure nonsense and getting tired of it!! But still holding with patience......Cheers ,Fast

over 14 years ago
Re: Worry about the natives?

All that is happening in my opinion is a very normal evolution of an "exploration company' conversion to a "producing company". Things just take time! The mangement of this company is exceptional! many of you dislike it for some reason, re; the ARU thingy, however, I quite like them. They made me a ton money on ARU! and NOT so far. Although I am down on my original position. I due flip a few.

Keep in mind we are in the retail heep and until such time you can call yourself an institutional investor with boat loads of readily available cash to invest, we are somewhat held to the mercy of the strategic plan of the company whether you like or not. If you don't like it, sell. it quite simple actually........

Just remember, patience is the strongest form of action anyoone can take!! Its not rocket science .


over 14 years ago
Patch Adam's Syndrome

Good day all, Haven't posted in a long while, however I continue to read this forum daily. Some of it anyways!

Ever seen the movie Patch Adam's? Remember the scene where the nutty professor or doctor (can't remember which) puts up four fingers and ask Robin Williams how many fingers he sees? His immediate answer is 4. The doc thens ask him to look beyond his fingers and the camera brings in out of focus, 8 fingers? This does actually work as well! Seeing beyond what your actually seeing is the example in this case. How appropriate for the Ring of Fire and Noront especially. The day to day stuff will never change, noise in my opinion.

I never bought the argument that retail is getting the shaft or whatever you want to call it. Most of this stuff is self created and manifests itself on this and other boards. letting your good judgement be impaired by the daily ranglings will only bring on a heart attack. That's if you have serious money invested, which I suspect many of you do. I do and it doesn''t bother me in the least!

enjoying the ride in the Ring of fire!!


over 14 years ago
Niagara Peninsula
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