Eudaimonia's Profile

Eudaimonia's Posts

Re: Info on staked property (sort of)..and release this after hours? Really??

There will be no ride with Peter running the show IMO. He is a major impediment and awful CEO. I am not surprised he is trying to join the lithium party and I am not surprise that he will be too late to captialize on it once again....just like the chromite and iron ore projects back in 2008 when Freewest was taken out for 150 million+. That could have been Fancamp if PS actually knew how to design an effecitve drill campaign.

Funny Iron Ore is at a 10 month high and not one word in the PR about our holidngs.

Has the website been updated yet? He told me straight to my face they were working on that at PDAC....which was the same message before xmas and then again in March. They even hired someone to work in the office - what exactly is this person doing??? Must be a family relative on the pay roll i'm guessing like his son in law who was on the board with no fricking experience.

CEO and Chairman of the Board??? That is a joke. And not for the best interest of Fancamp, only for PS.

So yes, bluebird i have liittle faith because i have seen PS spoil and squander so many opportunities and to get a bounce off two pennies and market cap below 3M is nothing to be impressed about. Now, we are around 5M market cap which again is pathetic.

I hold him accountable for us being in this position in the first place and not knowing how to unlock shareholder value. It's that simple.

I still plan to put a potenial crusade together and I am still doing research, that's all i will say for now.

Today's joke of an NR further solidifies my belief Peter is not a competent CEO.

GLA - let's hope there is a shift in FNC sentiment in the marketplace. But if anyone does any due diligence and speaks to Peter or looks at the website, i cannot imagine anyone seriously investing in this company. The real players know about FNC and they haven't even sniffed us out when we've been vulnerable. It is a sad story IMO.

Trying to keep the faith...

about 8 years ago

Can you just imagine if we had someone like O'Keefe running Fancamp?? That man knows how to get the job done.

Peter Smith - not even close! He should be begging O'Keefe to take over Fancamp if he really cares about unlocking shareholder value.


about 8 years ago
Re: is our "ceo" ever heading to china??

Yes, i will share a quick update and potentially add more tonight - sorry i have been swamped at work...

Quick conclusion I can confirm which most already know, is that this leadership team, and Smith in particular, are as brutally incompetent as you can imagine.

Pangang did not work out. They said, thanks but no thanks...we'll try it ourselves now that you have shown us the steps. Idiots!!!!

There really aren't any catalysts to look forward to .... unless some entity/group comes along. I have tried to make the case to Noront...and next up is O'Keefe but I wouldn't hold my breath.

Peter was going to talk to QAnalytics again, which is a joke. They have done nothing for us but Peter keeps paying them "small sums"

The only positive is that he won't do a financings at these levels... it would need to be in the .10-.15 range.

They hired some new employee who's been working our website apparently. it's not clear exactly what she does but another one on the payrole.

Between Mike Flannagan, Heather, Fouad, and Peter, these people are not the slightest concerned with the share price and the way Peter runs the company because he keeps paying them and himself.

We will need to be come activisit shareholders to get the change we want people.

I was thoroughly dissapointed and it's going to take some real sustained pressure to get him out.

I don't even know why they go to this event for 1.5 days There was only 10.4k shares bought of Fancamp in the last 48hours. Assuming this "trip" cost them 10k easy for travel, food, registratino, etch...they could have bought 400,000 shares which probably would have been a better use of money..haha.

People, call Peter and let him know how you feel and demand more accountabilty and better performance.

I am not sure if I am going to bail or pick up the fight - i have to evaluate if i have the time and resources to take on this battle.

over 8 years ago
Re: Partner Companies Revisited

Yes, great work Teleprobe. This is very informative and quite timely as I make my case to Smith tomorrow. I already have some charts printed off ranging from 25 years to 5...2, and 1 year to show that PS his remarkable tenure has steered us to a market cap of a whopping 3M. Any other CEO would be kicked to the curb, but our Board, which he controls, clearly is comfortable collecting their quarterly 6-8k salary for doing eff all.

Thanks everyone for your support and messages. I will gladly express all of our concerns and have prepared a comprehensive list of concerns with supporting evidence to illustrate this man's incompetence and abysmal record of handling Fancamp's assets. Its shareholders are tired and want a change.

It's qutie astounding acutally how he's out of touch with reality - most of which you have heard me spew and fume over the past number of years. Today is a great example imo - just when the price of iron ore sharply rebounds, you would expect a company like this would be ready to pounce but no...we are always lagging and no where near prepared with a plan.

Some of you have expressed some significant concerns with the "golden parachute" which i completely agree with - there is no way PS is worth 750,000!! And can you imagine Debra Chapman picking up 500,000 - it's just sickening and incredibly self-serving and greedy.

Let's keep the heat on folks - i plan to bring it tomorrow and really demand accountabilty and push for a change. I hope you will also trumpet the sound for change and let your opinions be heard as well. Remember, Smith was only supposed to be the interim CEO after Lafleur left, right? What a joke.

I'll keep you posted on how it goes.

Thanks again,


over 8 years ago
The Ideal Board

This is well stated by Mike Volker and also highlights what is wrong with Fancamp in my view...

The Ideal Board

An ideal board is one which works closely with the Chief Executive Officer (the "CEO") of the company to give not only support and direction to him or her, but one which also challenges the CEO to make sure that s/he leads the company in accordance with the company's plans. Many boards are "puppet" boards and often play along with the CEO and management. These are useless. The board should be the pillar which holds the company up. The board is responsible for the success or failure of the company. Furthermore, it is the soul and conscience of the enterprise. If management is not doing its job that is because the board is not doing its job in the first instance. The mandate of the CEO, guided by an active board, is to drive the value of the company. A board serves the company - not specific shareholders or groups.

over 8 years ago
Re: is our "ceo" ever heading to china??

Hi Terry and Luker,

These are great suggestions and proposals. I think it's clear that there are many opportunities to try and strike a deal to help create value for the company and its shareholders. But I don't believe anyone has faith in Smith actually pulling anything off which his track record seems to suggest.

Luker - i am not sure about getting a voting block of 10% to sit on the board, but I have been thinking along the same lines. I know we could easily get 10% of concerned shareholders and I'll look into seeing what can be done.

Thanks for your support,


over 8 years ago
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