Fancamp Exploration

Highly prospective exploration company McFauld's Lake: very significant Nickel & Chromite mineralization - Magpie Property: World class Titaniferous Magnetite deposit.
in response to tbs001's message

There will be no ride with Peter running the show IMO. He is a major impediment and awful CEO. I am not surprised he is trying to join the lithium party and I am not surprise that he will be too late to captialize on it once again....just like the chromite and iron ore projects back in 2008 when Freewest was taken out for 150 million+. That could have been Fancamp if PS actually knew how to design an effecitve drill campaign.

Funny Iron Ore is at a 10 month high and not one word in the PR about our holidngs.

Has the website been updated yet? He told me straight to my face they were working on that at PDAC....which was the same message before xmas and then again in March. They even hired someone to work in the office - what exactly is this person doing??? Must be a family relative on the pay roll i'm guessing like his son in law who was on the board with no fricking experience.

CEO and Chairman of the Board??? That is a joke. And not for the best interest of Fancamp, only for PS.

So yes, bluebird i have liittle faith because i have seen PS spoil and squander so many opportunities and to get a bounce off two pennies and market cap below 3M is nothing to be impressed about. Now, we are around 5M market cap which again is pathetic.

I hold him accountable for us being in this position in the first place and not knowing how to unlock shareholder value. It's that simple.

I still plan to put a potenial crusade together and I am still doing research, that's all i will say for now.

Today's joke of an NR further solidifies my belief Peter is not a competent CEO.

GLA - let's hope there is a shift in FNC sentiment in the marketplace. But if anyone does any due diligence and speaks to Peter or looks at the website, i cannot imagine anyone seriously investing in this company. The real players know about FNC and they haven't even sniffed us out when we've been vulnerable. It is a sad story IMO.

Trying to keep the faith...

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