Alakamuna's Profile

Alakamuna's Posts

New Catalyst?

Is there another possible or potential catalayst from now until the possible FDA approval to support and sustain the stock price? There is always the possibility of partnership. But based on the history not very strong or convincing one. In other words, what keeps the stock price slowly declining until we get close to FDA decision date to hopefully reverse the trend.

about 11 years ago
Re: "Created Controversy", "Armchair Quaterbacks", & "Devils Advocates"


I am long, and have been for many years. The key reason I am long is that by and large my interests are aligned with Al. But I am not a cheerleader for MNKD or for Al, and have no interest in becoming one; I am an investor, and I am here to share and learn facts about my investment.

Factual negative things about MNKD are as useful to me as those that are positive. I am sure the same is true for someone who may be short MNKD. I do not see shorts as my enemies; we just view the same thing differently. But since it is a zero sum game, I would like longs to win. But in the end longs will not win by loud noises of cheerleaders. Similarly, short too will not win based on their bashing noises.

I do not care if OPC is short or not. But just for a moment ltes assume that he is short. As a long I think I benefit more from his negative - but factual – posts than your cheerleading. I do not mind you cheerleading here, but I am afraid that meaningless cheerleading will over time generate an equal and opposite response, and this place too will become what Yahoo has. Lets hope not.

about 12 years ago
Re: Rethinking Al's Latest Share Purchases

I agree with you in concept. But key here in not what Al did, but when he did it. The time he chose to do the conversion was self-serving and at best in poor taste. In a zero sum game that this is, and based on the timing of the conversion, what he took came out of the pockets of other shareholders, while as a CEO and the chairman of the board, he had the responsibility to guard the interest of all shareholders, not just his own.

about 12 years ago
Re: Just FYI


That may very well be true, and I hope it is , and yhat he is able to use his money for all the best of the casuses. But my point was that I have invested in MannKind based on Al's business acumenh rather than his philanthropic motivations.

about 12 years ago
Re: Just FYI

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I cannot say whether you have made the right decision, but I think you have done the right thing. In these matters you have to use your instinct...and that is what you have done. None of the non-insiders have adequate information to make an informed rational decision in matters like these.

Based on my instinct, I bought more today in an ongoing process of building a "meaningful" position.

For me it is like driving on a two lane highway at 70 mph, while only a white line separates cars whizzing by in opposite directions. Each driver is instinctively relying on the other to do the right thing in pure self interest. And we all get home safely. Most of the time.

In this case the other driver is Al Mann. I do not believe that he is a saint. He is just a businessman trying to make money. What is uses the money for in none of my business. He has more information about Afrezza and Exubera than any of us. He also knows what is in each of CRL He has invested close to a Billion Dollars in pure self interest. The company has invested in a very expensive manufacturing facility that is ready to go. They are ready to pour another $500M more into this enterprise. All based on the belief that Afrezza will be approved. I feel I can rely on Al's self interest just as much I rely on an unknown driver coming towards me in the middle of the night at 70 mph from the opposite direction.

about 12 years ago
Re: Transcript

From the trascripts of the call, this was the final comment by Al:

"Well, it's been an interesting quarter, lots going on although not a lot we can talk about except for the trials, and we are making good progress and we are looking forward to seeing you all again, and speaking with you at the next quarterly conference call, and probably at some interim information that will be released in the interim. Thank you again for joining us today."

What do you guys think? Is this just an standard carrot, or something more?

about 12 years ago
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