726629's Profile

726629's Posts


I have been out for a while, but I'm back. I have over 400,000 shares invested. The Sea Gull has landed and got its catch. This is just the beginning my fellow friends. I found this stock in 2006 quit by accident. I really was doing research on something else which I made a lot of money on and KABOOOM!!! It was right in front of me. I wasn't on any boards and got off FB years ago. I am big into logorithms and did a lot of research. For those of you who don't remember my last post, I mentioned how beautiful a Sea Gull is, when most think of it as a scavenger. It really isn't. I won't make this a long post, but if my calculations are correct, this stock is way undervalued and its potential if taken advantage early can be five/ten fold. What I mean is you are looking at up to a 1,000% to 2,000% profit within a very short time. Don't get greedy my friends because greed kills, but if you look at it another way, greed also is what makes things happen. Without greed, there is no hope. All my retirement 401K and Roth IRA has been put into this stock. Good luck to all and have a very merry Christmas and for my Jewish friends a Happy Hanuka!!! Pray for this country that it doesn't end up like Greece..., or we're all screwed!

The Sea Gull

almost 12 years ago

I have been out for a while, but I'm back. I have over 400,000 shares invested. The Sea Gull has landed and got its catch. This is just the beginning my fellow friends. I found this stock in 2006 quit by accident. I really was doing research on something else which I made a lot of money on and KABOOOM!!! It was right in front of me. I wasn't on any boards and got off FB years ago. I am big into logorithms and did a lot of research. For those of you who don't remember my last post, I mentioned how beautiful a Sea Gull is, when most think of it as a scavenger. It really isn't. I won't make this a long post, but if my calculations are correct, this stock is way undervalued and its potential if taken advantage early can be five/ten fold. What I mean is you are looking at up to a 1,000% to 2,000% profit within a very short time. Don't get greedy my friends because greed kills, but if you look at it another way, greed also is what makes things happen. Without greed, there is no hope. All my retirement 401K and Roth IRA has been put into this stock. Good luck to all and have a very merry Christmas and for my Jewish friends a Happy Hanuka!!! Pray for this country that it doesn't end up like Greece..., or we're all screwed!

The Sea Gull

almost 12 years ago
Re: PTSC is like a beautiful Sea Gull

Have you ever seen a beautiful Sea Gull. Well I have. They are not the ones that hang around the fast food joints or clam shacks for some leftovers, they are the ones that fly high above the rest. Miles above the clouds. They're not there for the pickings. They go on their own, they see their catch and from up above they dive from 100's of feet in the air and they get their catch. They may have to wait longer than the vultures of the Sea Gull community, but it is worth it once they get their fill. Well folks I don't post on here very often, maybe three times in six years of following PTSC and I am always ammused by most of the posts. The fact of the matter is we are in this because we want to be that beautiful Sea Gull that gets their catch in the deep ocean waters, but we are lost right now, far away from land. I have 100's of thousands of shares vested in this company and I'm not scared one bit. I am not a psychic and never said I was, but I can tell you one thing my litlle Sea Gull friends, there is only one reason I added more shares yesterday to my portfolio in my ROTH IRA. It's because I'm waiting for this to be played out and you will all remember the next Sea Gull you see and you will all thank me because I was right all along. That's right, I will continue to invest and when the Markman ruling comes through, look up in the sky if you live near an Ocean and if you don't, find one because I know what's going to happen. I'll have my fill with a big smile on my face. Take care and GO BRUINS! Next post will be after the Bruins win the Stanley Cup... and I said I wasn't a psychic. Learn from the mistakes of others because you'll never be able to make them all yourself in a lifetime. All the way for PTSC.

over 12 years ago
Re: Powder Keg - a word of caution

Just buy the shares!

over 12 years ago
Markman Hearing

Does anyone know the date of the Markman decision? If there is a date.

over 12 years ago
Almost 400,000 shares invested since 2007

I have almost 400,000 shares invested in this stock and have been accumulating since 2007. I visit this board regularly, but rarely post. When is this Markman decision coming and what exactly does it consist of? Also when my employer gets bought out in a couple months, I am going to roll over my 401k to a Roth and buy another 350,000 if it stays around this price! Two months is a long time though. This may be in the 20's by then if this Markman ruling works out in a positive way, it may be even higher. You only live once and I have to dollar cost down, or penny cost down I should say. Coming from Boston and the warm winter we're having, I'm very, should I say Optymystic about this stock even though I have no idea what's going to happpen next. I'm going with my gut on this one and my gut has a nice track record.

Goog luck to all!

over 12 years ago
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