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Embee Diamonds and City of Prince Albert... time is of the essence

their take on a possible timeline for Shore Gold's first mine and the need for diamond value added developments in Prince Albert. See what you see...

In part from page 2 - Embee Diamonds September 20, 2012 letter to Mayor Jim Scarrow & Council... City of Prince Albert

It is highly likely that Shore Gold will have their Provincial Environmental permit for their proposed diamond mine(s) in Fort a Ia Corne (FALC) within Q1 of 2013. With that, financing and then development of the project should quickly follow.

But this good news also brings with it a timeline, and a deadline- time is of the essence ...

The Fort a Ia Corne district has been identified as the major impact zone from diamond mining. As such, the Diamond Development Advisory Committee (DDAC) has been formed and meeting regularly with Shore Gold - this includes the communities of Prince Albert, Melfort, Nipawin, Tisdale, Meath Park, Choiceland; plus other towns, villages, rural municipalities, First Nations and Metis Regions in the area.

Yes, these will all see economic benefits from the development- increased tax bases, housing developments,

employment, retail lift, population increase, contract engagement, etc. But they will also see the majority of the impact on their infrastructure, social structures, hospitals, police, and the like.

There is a partial offsetting-solution to these issues; insure that more value-added work stemming from FALC diamonds be done within the DDAC region. As with Potash/Canpotex, we should retain certain value items with Saskatchewan.

We do not want the same complete-lack of value-added to happen to diamonds as did with the uranium sector.

For this value added to occur there must be certain political items put into place before the permits are issued- they need to be built into or function alongside these permits.

The items have been proven possible in other jurisdictions, and are:

1. FALC diamonds must be sorted within the DDAC region,. not Saskatoon as is stated within Shore

Gold's Environmental Impact Statement. This only requires a small facility with minimal staff, but it

does see some economic impact and then the following items become feasible.

2. Some if not all FALC diamonds must be made available for sale within the DDAC first prior to made

available elsewhere in Canada- and not a foreign country as is the industry norm. If they are all sold

here, the government expense of 'valuation' is removed as the tax/royalty is based upon invoice, not

estimates. Local purchasing allows local cutting/polishing businesses be developed. See also the

"Note" below.

3. An "Export Processing Zone" (EPZ) must be established for diamond value-added businesses to

physically work within - this includes cutting, polishing, and jewellery creation. The key item is that

GST not be added to diamonds purchased locally for local processing, that are for international

export only (diamonds are a high-cash- flow business requiring any up-front cost limitations

possible be put in place) (exported diamonds would see the applied GST rebated, so why apply it

then rebate it, placing a burden on business and creating more paper-work?).

4. A Diamond Business Park be developed to accommodate the EPZ - this would include with bonded

warehousing; plus sales, cutting/polishing, and jewellery creation facilities. The property tax rate

within this Park, and for this businesses designated as qualifying in the diamond industry within the

City, should be waived for the first 5-years to be competitive with other jurisdictions. Furthermore,

buying offices for diamantaires located elsewhere could be established in this area.

We suggest presenting this to City Council.

5. A Certificate of Authenticity be developed and then eventually attached to all diamonds mined, cut,

and polished within Saskatchewan to prove they are 100% Canadian"

6. If possible, flights between Prince Albert and Calgary to be developed to better accommodate

international diamond buyers.

We ask that the City of Prince Albert facilitate all of the above six requests.

The short of it is, "Why do diamond value-added work within the DDAC, if you need to travel to Antwerp or even Toronto to purchase the diamonds, or if other jurisdictions are cheaper to work in?"

Note: The diamond industry is unique, the purchasing of rough diamonds (freshly mined but unprocessed) generally occurs in Belgium, and more recently- Botswana.

When Embee first began working from Prince Albert, we were required to fly to Antwerp to purchase diamonds mined in the North West Territories. Not only were there cost, time, shipping, and currency issues involved - there were no guarantees that what we bought as Canadian diamonds were Canadian diamonds unless they were from BHP Billiton. More recently, Embee can now purchase Harry Winston rough (Rio Tinto) in Toronto.

All other miners (those excluding BHP) have other sources from outside of Canada, from which diamonds could make their way into the premium "Canadian" stream. Also, diamonds are an extremely portable and difficult to trace form of currency/wealth. Therefore, diamond security is more about how many times and where the diamonds stop, than any other product.

Embee's decades of global diamond experience, demonstrates that the above steps would see the most economic benefits from affiliated businesses land within the DDAC region. This will also see an increase in diamond related tourism which can be enormous- that will further benefit the DDAC members (whom we kindly request you share the content of this letter with as we do not have access to the extended list).

Thank you,

Embee Diamonds

Evert P. Botha, Chief Operating Officer


Pages 7 to 11 are also good reading imho

Report Title: Diamond Industry Presentation Proposal

(RPT# EPP- 12 -148)

Date: Oct 01, 2012

Prepared By: Joan Corneil, Director Economic Development and


Prepared For: City Council


In part:

BACKGROUND: Shore Gold has announced that diamonds in sufficient value have

been found in the Forte a La Corne site to warrant a move forward towards mining

these diamonds. Since that time various internal and external conditions have

caused delays in the move forward. The City has now been informed that there is

some urgency for a response from the City to the newly distributed Environmental

Assessment Study (EAS). There will be a public process regarding the final approval

of the EAS.

The City will attend a meeting of the Diamond Development Advisory Committee

(DDAC) on Oct 16 in Tisdale. This group has been organized by Shore Gold to

share information about the Star Orion project located in the Fort a Ia Corne area. At

this time it is anticipated by administration that the implications and process will be

discussed with the affected communities as represented by the municipalities and

agencies on the DDAC.

The City and the now defunct Prince Albert Regional Economic Development

Authority (PAREDA) engaged Martin Irving to develop a review of the impacts and

provide a confidential document regarding the work that would need to be done to

attract the diamond industry jobs to the area. A work plan derived from that report

is outlined in the attached document.

One of the items addressed in the report was the fact that the economic impact,

both positive and negative, would need to be addressed with the Province in regards

to royalties and compensation. The area municipalities will see increased use of

their existing infrastructure and facilities, roads, schools., health care etc. and should

be compensated through various ways. One way is through the legislated

agreements to do value added in the province. This includes sorting and processing.

Another method of compensation is the sharing of royalties with the affected


It has been suggested by persons connected to this sector that there is some

urgency that needs to be applied to the process in that the permits that Shore Gold

is seeking should have conditions favoring the value added sorting and processing

within the Province. It is felt by those within the industry that these conditions should

be embedded in the permits, and that the conditions would apply to any further

assignees or companies mining the diamonds.

DISCUSSION: I have contacted an acquaintance that worked extensively in the

uranium industry and is familiar with the systems and processes involved in the

mining industry. He indicated that the process is as follows:

1. Exploration Permits

2. Excavation permits

3. Environmental Impact Study

4. Permit to construct and extract

a. could contain the conditions to be met such as values added in the


b. Albert has cautioned that normally those negotiations may have

already taken place under the exploration or excavation permits

On negotiations to have value added:

1. get ready for the service industry

-Have the service and value added businesses in place to

meet the mining company needs

-proximity to mine should make PA attractive to the mining


2. negotiations once mining company identified

We are seeking funding in partnership with another agency. At this time and as

time is of the essence, we will send out an RFP via email to prepare/complete

work identified in the work plan or other as identified.


1. Receive and File

2. Direct administration towards an alternative strategy

FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Expected to· be between $10,000 and $25,000

Account 212115- 239- Consulting Services or alternative source if found.


STRATEGIC PLAN GOAL: Economic Development - Business development


1. Diamond Strategies

2. Timelines


The City has a need to be prepared for the advancement of mining in the north. The

documents produced by what is to be considered a consultant with heavy expertise

in the diamond industry, suggest that communities can benefit from large

operations, but need to be ready for the development of that project. Shore Gold has

now completed the Environmental Assessment Study (EAS) and should be bringing

this document for public scrutiny in the near future and will simultaneously or shortly

thereafter be applying for the next permits to advance the project to the construction

and extraction stage. This is the time for the City to advance its requests to the

Province for inclusion into the permits as conditions of the permits.

Respectfully Submitted,

Joan Corneil, Director

Read more at http://www.stockhouse.com/bullboards/messagedetail.aspx?s=sgf&t=LIST&m=31655010&l=0&pd=0&r=0#1VXjl3pauWCqX1ES.99

almost 12 years ago
Environment assessments continue after feds cancel

Submitted on September 6, 2012 - 7:17am

Environment assessments continue after feds cancel

By Andrew de Souza

paNOW Staff

Even though the federal government has dropped the requirement for federal environment assessments for more than 700 projects in Saskatchewan, environmental scrutiny will continue.

The federal government recently announced it would cancel about 3,000 environmental assessments for projects across the country when it updated the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act.

Maxine Leger-Haskell with the Canada Environment Assessment Agency said the spirit of the law was to focus on more important projects.

“The vast majority of screening-type environmental assessments were for projects smaller in scale and complexity,” she wrote in an email.

“These screening-type environmental assessments ceased when CEAA 2012 came into force to ensure federal government resources are allocated to the review of major projects that have greater potential for significant environmental impact.”

Despite the changes, environmental scrutiny will still continue on several levels.

One project that is large enough to retain the requirement for assessment is the Star-Orion

“All comprehensive studies begun under the former Act continue to be conducted under the comprehensive study process outlined in the former Act. All assessments by review panels review are also continued under [the new act],” she said.

“The comprehensive study-type environmental assessment for the proposed Star-Orion South Diamond Mine Project that commenced under the former Act is still required and is continuing."

“The Agency is now reviewing the Revised Environmental Impact Statement submitted by the proponent in August, 2012, to ensure it contains all information required for the environmental assessment process. The Agency will announce a public comment period related to the Environmental Impact Statement in the near future.”

Other smaller projects will continue with some level of scrutiny. For instance, the province has said it will not change its own environmental standards and require its own assessments for many projects.
Others projects, such as those in the Prince Albert National Park will continue with their own internal assessments, which would have occurred even under the old act.

Allen Fehr is the superintendent for the park. He said in the past a federal assessment was required for projects such as controlled burns. Now they’ll do assessments just use their own channels to get it out to the public.

“What would happen now is when we are proposing a project when we think there is going to be potential significant harm to natural or cultural resources then we have to implement an environmental assessment process of our own, which we have always done on our own anyway,” he said.

“What we’ll be doing now is posting it maybe on our own website and informing people in some other way.”

A complete list of the projects the federal government will no longer require assessments for is available by following this link.


In part from the article above, “The Agency is now reviewing the Revised Environmental Impact Statement submitted by the proponent in August, 2012, to ensure it contains all information required for the environmental assessment process. The Agency will announce a public comment period related to the Environmental Impact Statement in the near future.”

As you can see there is still a long way to go before we have EIS approval... Revised EIS submitted August 2012.... with possibly more questions to be addressed and then "Proponent submits final EIS" Submission of Final Comprehensive Study Report (CSR), Post CSR for public and aboriginal comment, Public comment on final CSR, aboriginal consultation on final CSR , Notice of the Minister of Environment EA Decision Statement and more... I don't expect regulatory approval before the end of this year or early next year but... what do I know, I'm just an old guy hoping to make a dollar or 2 here. See what you see... http://www2.mpmo-bggp.gc.ca/MPTracker/project-projet-03.aspx?pid=92&psid=0

about 12 years ago
Re: Star - Orion South Diamond Project Revised EIS Submitted to Provincial and

What this News Release is telling us is that a "Revised" EIS" has been submitted to the Provincial and Federal Review Agencies. In part from the News Release, "Senior Vice President Exploration and Development, George Read, states: “The submission of the Revised EIS marks the achievement of another major milestone on the route to the development of a world-class diamond mine in Saskatchewan. The Revised EIS is a substantial document that represents a huge amount of work and includes over 10,500 pages of information. The completion of the Revised EIS proved to be a substantial amount of work and the Shore and AMEC staff are complemented on their diligent completion of this task. Shore is presently focused on the completion of all Federal and Provincial requirements for Project approval and subsequent permitting. Simultaneous to the ongoing completion of Project approval and permitting, Shore is in pursuit of development capital on a number of fronts.” Full News Release available on Shore Gold's website or here... http://shoregold.com/_resources/news_releases/2012/NEWSREL10Aug2012Revised-EIS.pdf

FWIW, the original EIS was over 4,000 pages, the Revised EIS is over 10,500 pages and... like the original EIS, the message in this news release is the same as the original, "The Revised EIS will be released for public comment by the Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment once the document has been reviewed. The Executive Summary of the Revised EIS can be viewed on the company's website: www.shoregold.com.

Old Executive Summary available on Shore Gold's website or here... http://shoregold.com/_resources/Reports/EIS_Executive_Summary.pdf

New Executive Summary available on Shore Gold's website or here... http://shoregold.com/_resources/Reports/Revised-EIS-ExecutiveSummary10Aug2012.pdf

Not much has changed on the Government of Canada's website according to the Major Projects Management Office "Milestones & Tasks" as of March 1, 2011 Shore Gold is still required to provide additional information before submitting the Final EIS and than there are many more milestones and tasks to complete before a regulatory decision will be made. See what you see... http://www2.mpmo-bggp.gc.ca/MPTracker/project-projet-03.aspx?pid=92&psid=0

While this is a step in the right direction... Shore Gold still have a long way to go before they will have EIS approval. We must applaud their efforts but really not much has changed. There are still many more milestones to be achieved before Shore Gold will have a completed and approved EIS, than finally a production decision for the Star Diamond Project, and hopefully a willing major partner to assist with financing.

The market and Shore Gold's shareholders will continue to wait for reliable updates from Ken McNeill and his management team. I don't believe that this News Release is the one that will substantially help increase the value of our mutual investment here. JMHO Still waiting...


about 12 years ago
Shore Gold waiting on financial partner

Mine feasible, but delays in financing, environmental permits make shareholders nervous

Reported by Ashley Wills

First Posted: Jul 20, 2012 3:36pm | Last Updated: Jul 20, 2012 3:39pm

Shore Gold has spent the last decade working to prove the diamond mine is feasible, but the exploration company has a long road ahead before the precious stones will be profitable.

"I think people who have been big believers in this are just wishing this would come to pass," said Paul Martin, a business analyst in Saskatchewan.

Only one in 6,000 diamond exploration projects are proven to work and the Star-Orion South diamond project, in the Fort a la Corne forest near Prince Albert, is one of them, said a spokesperson for Shore Gold.

"To date, some $330 million have been spent to bring us to the point where we know that there is a viable diamond mine in Saskatchewan," said George Read, senior vice-president exploration and development.

But the tedious process of attaining an environmental permit has taken longer than expected.

"There was a review by both the federal and provincial authorities and they produced some 700 items or so that were required to be remedied," said Read.

"We have worked on all of those and remedied them and it has taken some time to get through all of that. We are now very close to being finished."

The company is charting new territory because there are no specific regulations in place for diamond mines in the province.

Aside from environmental obligations, a major financial partner is needed to get the project up and running.

"It's going to require a major investor to come in to put up the better part of a billion dollars to turn this from a prospect into a producing mine," Martin said.

"There aren't many players to do that, so if you've been a long-term investor in Shore (Gold), you're probably getting impatient," he said.

Last February, Shore Gold announced a downsizing of the company that affected the board of directors, the management and the staff because they were uncertain of how quickly they could finance the project.

"The world financial situation, particularly in Europe, did not look rosy then and still does not look rosy now.

"We elected to downsize our staff to a small group of confident staff who could get the work done," Read said, noting that once they find financing, they will expand the company again.

Last month, a group of Shore Gold shareholders expressed their frustrations at the annual general meeting in Saskatoon.

"It becomes very problematic to make an informed and intelligent decision as a shareholder when you don't have good information," said Dave Wright, with the SGF shareholders association.

For companies like Shore, it is not surprising that they have a high profile in Saskatchewan with a fan base that wants to invest in local projects, said Martin.

"You'll have those who are the super-believers, so they would go to the extreme of mortgaging a home," Martin said.

Shore Gold is actively pursuing various avenues -- a joint venture partner with deep pockets is the most desirable. A large portion of the cost comes from the machinery needed and there are equipment manufacturers that provide financing, not unlike a car dealership, Read said.

"There are many major mining companies around the world and interestingly they are descending on Saskatchewan because of potash. Once they're here, they'll start looking around to see if there are any other opportunities," Martin said.

"I am confident that there will be a diamond mine in Saskatchewan's future and I'm hoping it will happen sooner rather than later," Read said.

about 12 years ago

Hi turcotte, my time as an investor in diamond plays goes back to Kensington Resources in 1999. The reason I initially became a shareholder in KRT was because of DeBeers participation in the FALC Joint Venture property... I figured if one the biggest diamond miners in the world was involved there had to be a pretty good chance of seeing a diamond mine, or a buyout, with an opportunity to see a good return on an investment in KRT shares.

Unfortunately DeBeers as the operator were slothlike when it came to releasing timely information and results so... in 2000 I decided to invest in Shore Gold, a junior exploration company, who had property, the Star Diamond Project, adjacent to the DeBeers, Kensington Resources, Cameco FALC JV property.

Shore Gold seemed like they were moving forward much faster than the JV property. There was a lot of interest from many majors as Shore Gold continued to show excellent results from early exploration and drilling results.

Benny Steinmetz and his group became involved in Shore Gold investing approximately 9% and supplying mining equipment through his group of companies this was 2003 through 2004 as Shore Gold was moving toward sinking a large shaft to prove what they felt they had in the ground.

The results of this undertaking attracted the attention of Pierre Lassonde the President of Newmont Mining... he felt confident that Newmont's investment in Shore Gold would add the expertise required to move this property toward a mining decision in a timely manner and they would be able to offer considerable information in reducing the costs when mining.

SGF shareholders and those interested saw our investment grow from below a dollar to around the $8 mark in 2003 -2006 because of the involvement of Steinmetz, Newmont, and the merger with Kensington Resources. DeBeers were given the boot when it came to control of the JV property and decided to accept a buyout and move on to other opportunities where they would have a controlling interest.

There were many opportunities to trade and make a good return on our money as others wanted a piece of our action 2006 - 2008 as Shore Gold was promoting that they would provide a production decision for the Star Diamond Project by the end of 2008, construction would take approximately 2 years and they would be mining ore in early 2011.

Shore Gold, with Ken MacNeill at the helm, seemed like a good company to be invested in. They were working toward confirming that they had 279 million tonnes of kimberlite in the Star Diamond Project and with Newmont as their partner on the Joint Venture side it appeared they had the money and drive to provide timely results there as well.

That all changed when results for their mineral resouce and mineral reserve estimates were late and fell far short of the 279 million tonnes originally projected in the geological models for the star Diamond Project. The shortfall in kimberlite numbers was because of inadequte drilling done on the Star Diamond Project to support those numbers. Yet, Shore Gold continued to promote that they would provide a bankable feasibilty study by the end of 2008 for the Star Diamond Project and that it was still possible to become a standalone mine by early 2011.

November 3, 2008 was the date that Ken MacNeill disappointed his shareholders and the markets when they supplied the Star-Orion South Project Proposal. That was the date we learned that they would have to provide fesibility studies and a final Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) prior to making a production decision... like they didn't know that prior to November 3, 2008 as they continued to promote a production decision would be made by the end of 2008 for the Star Diamond Project???

In part from the Project Proposal we learned that new timelines were projected for a production decision and EIS approval. Shore Gold expected the EIA and corresponding statement (EIS) to be complete by the first quarter of 2010 with production decision to follow. Construction was projected to be 2 to 3 years. They hoped to include results from Orion South.... check bottom of page 3, full Proposal available on SEDAR, Shore Gold's website or with this link...

Good luck with your investment strategies and I hope we all make a lot of money before we are too old to enjoy it or can't remember why or what we wanted to buy with those profits.

about 12 years ago
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