Shore Gold Inc.

SHORE GOLD INC. Saskatchewan Diamond Exploration
in response to RockLicker's message

What this News Release is telling us is that a "Revised" EIS" has been submitted to the Provincial and Federal Review Agencies. In part from the News Release, "Senior Vice President Exploration and Development, George Read, states: “The submission of the Revised EIS marks the achievement of another major milestone on the route to the development of a world-class diamond mine in Saskatchewan. The Revised EIS is a substantial document that represents a huge amount of work and includes over 10,500 pages of information. The completion of the Revised EIS proved to be a substantial amount of work and the Shore and AMEC staff are complemented on their diligent completion of this task. Shore is presently focused on the completion of all Federal and Provincial requirements for Project approval and subsequent permitting. Simultaneous to the ongoing completion of Project approval and permitting, Shore is in pursuit of development capital on a number of fronts.” Full News Release available on Shore Gold's website or here...

FWIW, the original EIS was over 4,000 pages, the Revised EIS is over 10,500 pages and... like the original EIS, the message in this news release is the same as the original, "The Revised EIS will be released for public comment by the Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment once the document has been reviewed. The Executive Summary of the Revised EIS can be viewed on the company's website:
Old Executive Summary available on Shore Gold's website or here...
New Executive Summary available on Shore Gold's website or here...
Not much has changed on the Government of Canada's website according to the Major Projects Management Office "Milestones & Tasks" as of March 1, 2011 Shore Gold is still required to provide additional information before submitting the Final EIS and than there are many more milestones and tasks to complete before a regulatory decision will be made. See what you see...
While this is a step in the right direction... Shore Gold still have a long way to go before they will have EIS approval. We must applaud their efforts but really not much has changed. There are still many more milestones to be achieved before Shore Gold will have a completed and approved EIS, than finally a production decision for the Star Diamond Project, and hopefully a willing major partner to assist with financing.
The market and Shore Gold's shareholders will continue to wait for reliable updates from Ken McNeill and his management team. I don't believe that this News Release is the one that will substantially help increase the value of our mutual investment here. JMHO Still waiting...


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