Shore Gold Inc.

SHORE GOLD INC. Saskatchewan Diamond Exploration
in response to turcotte's message

Hi turcotte, my time as an investor in diamond plays goes back to Kensington Resources in 1999. The reason I initially became a shareholder in KRT was because of DeBeers participation in the FALC Joint Venture property... I figured if one the biggest diamond miners in the world was involved there had to be a pretty good chance of seeing a diamond mine, or a buyout, with an opportunity to see a good return on an investment in KRT shares.

Unfortunately DeBeers as the operator were slothlike when it came to releasing timely information and results so... in 2000 I decided to invest in Shore Gold, a junior exploration company, who had property, the Star Diamond Project, adjacent to the DeBeers, Kensington Resources, Cameco FALC JV property.

Shore Gold seemed like they were moving forward much faster than the JV property. There was a lot of interest from many majors as Shore Gold continued to show excellent results from early exploration and drilling results.

Benny Steinmetz and his group became involved in Shore Gold investing approximately 9% and supplying mining equipment through his group of companies this was 2003 through 2004 as Shore Gold was moving toward sinking a large shaft to prove what they felt they had in the ground.

The results of this undertaking attracted the attention of Pierre Lassonde the President of Newmont Mining... he felt confident that Newmont's investment in Shore Gold would add the expertise required to move this property toward a mining decision in a timely manner and they would be able to offer considerable information in reducing the costs when mining.

SGF shareholders and those interested saw our investment grow from below a dollar to around the $8 mark in 2003 -2006 because of the involvement of Steinmetz, Newmont, and the merger with Kensington Resources. DeBeers were given the boot when it came to control of the JV property and decided to accept a buyout and move on to other opportunities where they would have a controlling interest.

There were many opportunities to trade and make a good return on our money as others wanted a piece of our action 2006 - 2008 as Shore Gold was promoting that they would provide a production decision for the Star Diamond Project by the end of 2008, construction would take approximately 2 years and they would be mining ore in early 2011.

Shore Gold, with Ken MacNeill at the helm, seemed like a good company to be invested in. They were working toward confirming that they had 279 million tonnes of kimberlite in the Star Diamond Project and with Newmont as their partner on the Joint Venture side it appeared they had the money and drive to provide timely results there as well.

That all changed when results for their mineral resouce and mineral reserve estimates were late and fell far short of the 279 million tonnes originally projected in the geological models for the star Diamond Project. The shortfall in kimberlite numbers was because of inadequte drilling done on the Star Diamond Project to support those numbers. Yet, Shore Gold continued to promote that they would provide a bankable feasibilty study by the end of 2008 for the Star Diamond Project and that it was still possible to become a standalone mine by early 2011.

November 3, 2008 was the date that Ken MacNeill disappointed his shareholders and the markets when they supplied the Star-Orion South Project Proposal. That was the date we learned that they would have to provide fesibility studies and a final Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) prior to making a production decision... like they didn't know that prior to November 3, 2008 as they continued to promote a production decision would be made by the end of 2008 for the Star Diamond Project???

In part from the Project Proposal we learned that new timelines were projected for a production decision and EIS approval. Shore Gold expected the EIA and corresponding statement (EIS) to be complete by the first quarter of 2010 with production decision to follow. Construction was projected to be 2 to 3 years. They hoped to include results from Orion South.... check bottom of page 3, full Proposal available on SEDAR, Shore Gold's website or with this link...

Good luck with your investment strategies and I hope we all make a lot of money before we are too old to enjoy it or can't remember why or what we wanted to buy with those profits.

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