St. Elias Mines

Welcome To the St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company

I ask that all of you reflect on your posts and your thoughts since my recent infamous post.

If you are concerned about my credibility and your own being effected, I suggest looking at your very own actions to see if they may be affecting your own credibility as well. If, you are concerned about your credibility and the credibility of this forum, perhaps consider your recent judgement of me, could be viewed by some as unconstitutional and perhaps on the side of prejudism. If viewers of this forum are to perceive these actions by you as prejudice, does this really depict a just and credible forum? Are you so insecure as to what I am, that you wish for me to be distanced from you? Do I shame you?

If this board matters little anymore, why such an effort to erase something that you fear may contaminate your own credibility?

Many seem to be blinded by their fear, that they fail to read my posts with an open mind. Have you actually taken the time to examine the possibility that I am actually speaking truth and have NOT gone nuts?

I do not judge you on your beliefs, I respect everyones beliefs and know them to be essential and as equally important to each. Everyones beliefs are correct, for it is what is for them, and I respect that.

For any court or any professional legal representative to judge someone on their beliefs, is totally biased from a courts perspective, and unjust. It is NOT constitutional. It depicts savagery and not civility. Even laws in Canada have been upgraded to recognize what is considered mentally handicapped persons, as being able to give oath and testify. As far as credibility of this board goes, it is trivial, and if the subject ever arose in any legal proceedings, it would quickly be shot down, not only by the referrences above, but by even more legal provisions. Everyones testimony has to be heard, if not, it can be shown in many ways why it is inconsistent with Evidence Acts, then other problems arise within the judicial system itself, which destructs any motion at preventing witness and evidence from entering the investigations and courts. Any lawyer, investigative officer, etc, that are worth their grain of salt, will tell you this. So your fears of your credibility being destroyed are truly unfounded. Does the phrase; " I am not my brothers keeper" present a security?

If someone judges you unfavorable because you are my friend, does that mean that you will unfriend me, do you let ego rule you? Is this not the same thing Lori did with her shareholders on Agoracom?

Whatever I say on this board does NOT effect your credibility, UNLESS you allow it to. Then starts the wheels of divide, divide and conquer, the age old tactic that gives away your power and lets others control you.

I see that some of you were that intent and controlled by your fear, that you even violated two posts from what seems to be a new poster here, STEPHEN HARPER" that appears to support us, not only I, why?

I love you all, that is TRUTH, and I see no value in any separation this may cause. Even though you may see it differently and choose to separate from me, I will always be here for you and the doors to me are always open.

I am a Christ.

Love and Light


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