St. Elias Mines

Welcome To the St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company

Now, even more importantly with regards to the "cover up", is the infamous photos of all the drill core being dumped out and lying askew in the "core shack".

A "core shack" is a shelter more or less that contain the drill core from a property. This "shack" is almost always kept on the property to be available for inspection by authorities, investors, etc, to substantiate and assure the integrity of a company and a drill program as well. In these "shacks", and as required by applicable 43-101 provisions, the drill core is to be properly labled/marked and held for safe keeping, with one half of any core sample, remaining here for check purposes that may arise in the future. For example; if the company takes a sample of a core and reports it in a news release, it must reasonably assure that the "check sample" for that sample is secured in a safe place.

If we recall, a poster on Stockhouse,( I think the posters avatar was something like "itoluso"), that investers suspected the identity of this poster to possibly be Bob Lachance, had announced to check the core shack. It seems to me that in his/her post, that they also laughed about what had happened to the core shack on the Tesoro. The importance of this paragraph, is that this poster posted about the core shack being perhaps vandalized MONTHS before it became known to us investors that it had been vandalized, or should I say perhaps intentionally vandalized to mix up and leave no check samples available for scrutiny by any investigative source or other. Not only this, although many investors know that it is fact that the core shack is in a state of disarray, management has NEVER disclosed this to the investors nor public. This very non reporting, incriminates management and puts them into an inexcusable violation. To further and to my understanding, authorities have been in receipt of this information for perhaps over a year, and quite possibly and importantly, while the stock was still trading. This, implicates the investigative and enforcement arms of any thus agencies, either governmental or self regulating bodies.

The dumping and mixing of the drill cores is nothing but a guise to make it look like vandalism. One only has to employ common sense to KNOW this is not an act of vandalism, but a feint as to stall and hinder any investigative procedural evidence that could be released to investors and eventually, the public. What this vandalism actually does in the illusionary world presented to investors, is; render the drill program VOID. This type of orchestrated messing with evidence, which is also a felony, is an attempt to detach management and those involved, from the actual crime, which is a huge conspiracy with an amazing dynamic structure.

The drill core in the pics, does not look consistent with the country rock of the Tesoro, meaning that this "false" drill core was imported as a plant to give the impression that the Tesoro was drilled, but little found. The problem with such an imported drill core, and as pointed out here before, the drill core HAS to be consistent with the geoscience by Quantec, which clearly shows the Tesoro of having great widths of mineralization below, but are magically coming up non existent in the phony drill core. It is that blatant, that by even looking at these photos, you can tell the sulfide intrusions of great extent, are absent. This is impossible, therefore, it shows the inconsistency between the drill core and the geophysics presented by Quantec. Quantecs data is TRUTH, it is not FABRICATED. This means that the HUGE deposits are on Tesoro and ALL historical data backs this. This historical data COULD NOT be fabricated, because it is connected and integrates with other aspects OUTSIDE of the property, ruling out any falsification of historic data and holding this historic data as sound and consistent. For example, the gold grades and ore that was delivered and processed to/by Dynacor. And to complement these Dynacor purchases, is the fact that Peruvian authorities have stuck Dynacor with a huge tax bill of UNDER reporting their sales. Scotia Bank Mocca is also a name that comes up with doing business with Dynacor in relation to gold sales. You recall the problems encountered by investors during getting their voting proxies from Scotia.......

It is no defense for management to declare the drill program was little successful, when they try to say they were targeting other areas. Any professional and even non professional approach to any property, is to incorporate a plan to enhance property value. If, managements argument was legit, that they drilled the anomaly and found nothing, any experienced and professional team would have immediately resorted to drilling the KNOWN after perhaps one or two drill holes in the UNKNOWN, NOT drill 43 holes into unknowns, this in itself is another blatant giveaway in the actual intent of management to distort and cover the truth. I have just given you information in the "recent photo" post that shows a METER WIDE VEIN AT SURFACE YEILDING ~2.5 OUNCES OF GOLD. One drill hole, perhaps only 50 meters deep, would have sent the stock skyrocketing, not to mention putting one of the other 12,000 or so meters, into the C-1 Vein, where the deepest known samples, around the 100m level, are showing massive sulfide intrusion along with an amazing gold grade ABOVE 6 OUNCES PER TON.

You should be able to see clearly now why governments and the big greed is involved with this, and is a reason for shareholders getting intimidated, this is HUGE.

But, have no fear, its transparency that takes away the power of the greed, and I assure you, their power has been severly diminished, mostly by their own accord in regards to every aspect of the SLI story. The journalists that have been subdued from putting our story public, have a story of their own to tell in conjunction with the SLI fiasco.

Many good things to come, as good people in high places KNOW what they must do.

Greatest Love,


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St. Elias Mines
130.4 M (FD) : Nov 29, 2011
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