St. Elias Mines

Welcome To the St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company
in response to mrjones's message

In relation to your no "support from securities", is the blatant violation of management NOT reporting the azimuths of the drill program. As anyone can clearly see below and in the link provided, the reporting of azimuths is law, governed and secured by the 43-101, which is the BCSC,s obligation to enforce. As all of you know, NO azimuths have been released as of yet, years after the drilling. This non action by BCSC puts the BCSC and the government of Canada in violation of several obligatory functions in respect to the security of the public interest.

Here is the 43-101 provision and link to the securities law that ASSURES investors they are protected. I don;t believe any investor ever had any doubts that they would be protected by the legislative arms of this government, until about 2 years ago.

(2) If an issuer discloses in writing sample, analytical or testing results on a
property material to the issuer, the issuer must include in the written
disclosure, with respect to the results being disclosed,
(a) the location and type of the samples;
(b) the location, azimuth, and dip of the drill holes and the depth of the
sample intervals;

I suggest that anyone that still has doubts about this being a huge conspiracy, to please review all the evidence and think about it. Please also remember how 91% of the votes were NOT recognized by authorities and the judicial system, how much do you have to see, before you believe it? Please, please, wake up and look at whats staring you right in the face. These three things mentioned by me in the last couple days, are only the tip of the iceburg, do I need to show you more once again?

Its the element of fear that has disempowered this group for too long. You must overcome this fear and speak. There are some of you out there that have confirmation of things that we have not heard from publicly. There are those of you out there that are afraid to speak and share what you know. Dont let this fear control you, for not only the sake of other investors, but for your own sake as well. The truth is power, fear is not.

And last for now, but not least, stand your ground and stay together.



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St. Elias Mines
130.4 M (FD) : Nov 29, 2011
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