St. Elias Mines

Welcome To the St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company
SLI Survey
almost 11 years ago
Re: SLI Survey
almost 11 years ago
Re: SLI Survey
almost 11 years ago
Re: SLI Survey
almost 11 years ago
Re: SLI Survey
almost 11 years ago
Re: SLI Survey
almost 11 years ago
Re: SLI Survey
almost 11 years ago
Re: SLI Survey
almost 11 years ago
in response to redraven's message

65 million shares were voted for the green team at the AGM; that's 91% of voted shares. 91% does not constitute the "...small % of angry share holders..." that you are trying to portray.

The reason you aren't getting many thumbs up on your "SLI Survey" post is not because of a lack of support for the green team, it's because nobody wants to "recommend" a post made by an individual whose devious intentions are so transparent.

Similarly, the reason the PP doesn't have any interest cannot be blamed on the green team, although I'm sure management will try... Maybe it's time you accept the fact that it's because the public is sick of funding Lori's ridiculous pet projects and lavish lifestyle, only to see their money vaporize with no hope of a return. It has become the opinion of many that our ex-stockbroker leader (who has never even set foot on our flagship property, since it would add no value to have a stockbroker with no mining experience kick rocks around for a few days), doesn't intend to create any ROI for those who put up their cash, but would rather manipulate the system for the benefit of a very select few. The market has had plenty of time to assess Lori's character now, and I suspect she's going to have a very difficult time gaining any kind of public support in the future. When this chapter of her life is over, who knows, maybe she'll make a good waitress? or maybe she'll look good in orange?

Again, to be clear, anybody who would classify 65 million voted shares to be "...a small % of angry share holders..." is somebody who either likes to distort the truth, or somebody who sees the world through mescaline coloured glasses; either way the misguided individual obviously can't be trusted. Although it should be obvious, I'll spell this out for you; it's probably time for another new alias, people aren't quite as simple as you think.

It's time to get some real leaders in control of this company, not just a jaded group looking for a free ride on the backs of others.

All in my opinion only.

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