St. Elias Mines

Welcome To the St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company
in response to Goldenticket's message

Great posts all,

Now, I have only read this board for a little over 2 years and I sure would like someone to review (when there were witnesses or we have the data) a few of the antics of you know who and/or the St Elias board. This is in case we have investors who are new to this hub that may be encouraged to help in our battle here. Let's do questions in numeric order and just post the answer in the same order. Simple yes or no is great.

1. Did our stock really tumble from $2.80 to .80 under present board's watch?

2. Really, were the shareholder's talked down to at the 2011 AGM; for example, was someone told to go harrass an immigrant?

3. Was the 2012 AGM date changed several times to thwart shareholder attendence and did this incur hotel and flight cancellations at a monetary loss of those trying to attend?

4. When the date of 2012 AGM was finally set by the company was the venue selected adequate for a large attendence and was the date of 27 Dec really proper?

5. Were there really armed guards present, only letting in shareholders who might have brought share certificates with them?

6. Have at least 50% of drill results on the Tesoro been released?(If you know roughly what percentage could you list it?)

. Is the proxy vote majority win of 91% for the green dissidents a fact? and; oh what the heck, elaborate on any question you want; just to bring any new hub readers up to speed on just a few of the things our current BOD are putting to us shareholders.

Think I'll work on my 3rd cheque. IMO We gotta dig deep to help the fight.


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St. Elias Mines
130.4 M (FD) : Nov 29, 2011
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