baydogfish's Profile

baydogfish's Posts

Re: BCSC Hides Truth - Scrubs case it lost from record

 "At this point we need at a minimum some acknowledgement that Lori is still watching over SLI".

As the fox watches over the hen house!!


over 7 years ago
Re: No reply from Lori so far

 I keep thinking of the Vince Gill song "Nobody answers when I call your name".

Every word fits this particular moment.


over 7 years ago
Re: How are the neighbours doing?

Wonder if any ore from Tesoro somehow made its way to their processor???


over 7 years ago
Re: Peruvian properties update!!

Thanks Molson, for keeping your finger on the pulse (weak that it is at the moment) of this stock. I know very little ref. the stock market and how it's manipulated but as I read all the posts I can certainly read who the protagonists/antagonists are. Buttons sure are getting pushed here and there.

Some interesting reading here; a bit expensive but interesting. I've got into this for a bit of a tidy sum (for me at least, but not catastrophic) so of course will be sitting on some worthless(???) paper for the time being. C'est la vie.

Appreciate all your informed digging and level headed posts that this rookie can get his head around.

Keep up the great work.



almost 8 years ago
Re: Before I would let go of tesoro

In case some shareholders are still paying monthly service fees on accounts where your shares are , I'm reposting this from quite a while back as this topic was brought up recently

I discovered, with my bank anyway, that if I made a monthly deposit into the tax free savings where my shares are located, it negated the monthly fee. They even refunded me a few months fees as I was unaware. So keeping all my shares now costs me nothing and.. I've accumulated a nice little stash so far (tax free)

Check with your financial institution to see if it's possible to do this for you, and what would be the minimum monthly deposit.


almost 8 years ago
Two time amateur invester (first and last time)!

Reading with interest all those pro and con posts regarding my SLI shares.

Are the pros telling me to hold on to them??? Guess what.....I have to;we're stalled here and can't sell anyway. No recovering my outlay of cash and I don't think the informales scooped everything by manual digging. Again, are the 3D photos nor the company who mapped them not credible? Geeze, have I been duped?...oh well, it will probably not be the last time in my life but will certainly will be in the market game.

Don't understand what the Cons want me to do.... sell? Sorry, again; we're stalled here.

Would be crazy to anyway at current SP.

Sure am impressed with all the banter going on about our many (worthless??) shares. Think I'll just hang out on this Green limb and enjoy life.


over 9 years ago
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