St. Elias Mines

Welcome To the St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company
over 11 years ago
in response to MightyOil's message

AGREED!!!! We, all dissidents MUST do this ASAP the main focus being the FACT 91% of the shareholders voted and we were NOT HEARD the other speculation and "crap" can be dealt with once we have the current BOD removed as per the vote of the 91% majority vote!!

We can all speculate, guess, stress...etc...all we want about what is going on, however, we will not know the FACTS until such time we have this current BOD removed and replaced and have a team of accountable leaders in place to review what is really going on based again on fact !!!!

IF YOU HAVE NOT REPORTED THIS INJUSTICE, the 91% majority vote being ignored ---- LETS GET IT DONE---- MAKE IT A PRIORITY and again totally agreed make the ignored vote the focus of the complaint!!

The GREEN TEAM has worked very hard at getting the message out with the proxy vote and the "road trip" lets do our part and get the investigators investigating...a whack of complaints in their "inbox" can't go ignored.

if you have already filed your complaint based on the fact of the ignored vote, AWESOME, if you haven't lets get it done and let the GREEN TEAM know!!!

It would be interesting to see how many complaints have been filed...

Just wondering if it would not be a good idea to file a complaint weekly to BCSC to get their attention...just a thought.


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St. Elias Mines
130.4 M (FD) : Nov 29, 2011
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