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I would think the author(s) of the PDAC-Mining companies face rise in class actions in Canada would like to continue their story, they should be notified of this forum! Gotta love the internet! Most of the time anyway!

over 11 years ago
PDAC-Mining companies face rise in class actions in Canada

Hi there

Hope this information gets to the Green Team lawyers. And maybe the Green Team should get our case information to the authors of this report...


over 11 years ago


over 11 years ago

AGREED!!!! We, all dissidents MUST do this ASAP the main focus being the FACT 91% of the shareholders voted and we were NOT HEARD the other speculation and "crap" can be dealt with once we have the current BOD removed as per the vote of the 91% majority vote!!

We can all speculate, guess, stress...etc...all we want about what is going on, however, we will not know the FACTS until such time we have this current BOD removed and replaced and have a team of accountable leaders in place to review what is really going on based again on fact !!!!

IF YOU HAVE NOT REPORTED THIS INJUSTICE, the 91% majority vote being ignored ---- LETS GET IT DONE---- MAKE IT A PRIORITY and again totally agreed make the ignored vote the focus of the complaint!!

The GREEN TEAM has worked very hard at getting the message out with the proxy vote and the "road trip" lets do our part and get the investigators investigating...a whack of complaints in their "inbox" can't go ignored.

if you have already filed your complaint based on the fact of the ignored vote, AWESOME, if you haven't lets get it done and let the GREEN TEAM know!!!

It would be interesting to see how many complaints have been filed...

Just wondering if it would not be a good idea to file a complaint weekly to BCSC to get their attention...just a thought.


over 11 years ago


To all of you have been:

Posting legitimate posts to keep all of us investors up to date! And to the posters that have a positive sense of humor (humor will get us through lots in life!)

  • To the HUB leaders for keeping posters on task!

  • To the people who understand the "technical" stuff and keep us "general investors" informed! I don’t know squat about mining! However, I do know the difference between right and wrong! And, I can read a Financial Statement, the BOD should be ashamed of themselves and thanks to the "Green Team", with the continued determination and support us dissident shareholders, we will hold this BOD ACCOUNTABLE, even if the regulatory bodies, that should be doing this, will not ! Typical government operation, they would actually have to work for it, even though so much of it blatantly right here in front of them, shame on them as well!

  • To for having a forum that is relevant to the investors in public companies! I was not aware of this site til the other night, excellent!

  • Posting encouragement to the "GREEN TEAM" leaders. I’m sure they appreciate it, they are sacrificing not only to protect their interest, but also to protect our interest!

  • To the people organizing the town hall meetings in small town…large city Canada, so that the "Green Team" can get the message out!

  • To the "Green Team" road trippers for all their efforts in getting the message out in a positive effective manner!

  • To my fellow investors for making me aware of all this information and for giving me the opportunity to be a part of something much bigger than a return on my investment "ROI"….the opportunity to be a part of a precedent setting movement, that I now believe will make a difference in how business is done for generations to come and make so called "business leaders" accountable!

  • To the "Green Team" road trippers and their FAMILIES for the sacrifices they are making on our behalf. It’s not only the financial costs they have incurred and vested into this….it is the time and the time away from their families and their lives!

  • To the investors that contribute personal funds to the "Get R Done" fund, LOL, while the BOD use our funds to continue to fight us, so not right!!!! Unfortunately the reality!

  • This is a story of inspiration, determination, resilience, and leadership. I’m very proud to be a part of the dissent shareholders "Green Team"!

It’s about time we made greedy individuals like these accountable and stood up for what is right, so lets "Get R Done"! Good luck at the meetings to come, the fund, and with the impending court date! This has become so much more than about the money, IMO!


over 11 years ago
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