St. Elias Mines

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in response to baydogfish's message

The dissident proxy should be out very soon, and everyone should be just able to vote that one, ignoring the white proxy from management.

I detect further desperation in management to try to get every vote as possible. They called me last night and even asked about a small amount of shares my daughter has in an account, and if they could speak to her at my number. Usually in this time of telephone campaign or a tender offer, the largest shareholders are targeted with calls and not the lesser shareholders. To see this that they may be calling every shareholder on the list, suggests to me that they are desperate and also are trying to get a feel for how many votes they may actually end up with. If the vanity exists with management that they have a prayer of capturing enough votes to succeed, this only speaks more to their incompetence and dis respect to shareholders. It shows they should not even be running a public company and this appearance should be easily seen by regulators in conjunction with all the other acts that are contrary to shareholders best interests. For current management to even have to fight this hard for votes shows they have been incompetent in the workings of this company, and any rationalization of the present scenario, would suggest to most managements, to just walk away from a losing battle.

The very fact that more of our treasury is wasted on hiring Georgeson, along with the proposterous anouncement of a quarter million dollar exploration venture on a property that may not be accessible in B.C. until May next year, blatantly shows destruction to the company in regards to the treasury and should be viewed as a further rape and taking advantage of their present position to drive this company into the ground as far as they can before they leave, then walk away deviously laughing on how they hurt thousands of shareholders out of an act of defiance. For the regulators and government to allow this to happen, would be embarrassing and really show how much there is no protection for investors in any of the Canadian markets. Having said this, I strongly believe that the authorities will be compelled to act shortly and possibly ask for managements resignation, before this company is run further into the ground, whereas responsibility and accountability will also lie on the authorities hands for letting these ridiculous antics to happen and continue. The authorities and maybe different levels of government must have the signed Petition by now and can recognize the strength of shareholders behind each and every signature on that petition by the amount of shares it represented. And if they think for a minute, there are many more shares that were not represented on that petition for various reasons, but will come into the picture on the voting on side with the petition voice, increasing the strength further. Also, if they think and look for a minute, its so blatant to see that an investor that is not fully informed as to why thier portfolio is so decimated, is not gonna vote for the same management that is most likely responsible for this scarring.

There are many packages made up by investors identifying all the incompetent acts made by current management that have been distributed to various levels of government and regulatories. Although, overwhelming evidence to the incompetencies, there is more saved up that hasn,t hit the light of day yet in these letters. It is expected that what has been released so far will suffice in effecting change, but this charade by current management has to stop now, and again, I ask for resignation of all current management that is on the White Proxy selected as nominees by current management themselves, and not from shareholders. If there is any justice in this country of ours, the overseers of our protection should act promptly. If the policies and laws are not enforced, it shows a dysfunctional justice system which will have repercussions through out our country that cannot be ignored. Its not only SLI shareholders interests that are at stake here, but the interests of all investors and pension contributors of the Canadian Markets. If there is no integrity, there is no market.


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St. Elias Mines
130.4 M (FD) : Nov 29, 2011
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