St. Elias Mines

Welcome To the St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company
in response to manning99's message

Manning, I appreciate and respect your comments.

For me, my decision to be a believer was a result of days of research. I have gone into countless circles second guessing my research and looking at it from different angles, and always ending up back where I started in terms of our property/ies. How many times does one bang their head into a brick wall before they relize that its senseless? For me, thats what I was doing, second guessing, and I am not gonna do that anymore. I am very comfortable with my research and have every bit of confidence in it. I would have loved to have actual geo,s on this site to confirm, or refute in case I was interpreting something wrong, that didn,t happen, so I feel comfortable. To rule out me being mistaken, I quickly just assign 6 million ounces of gold to the Peruvian properties and am left with something like $3 in a buyout scenario. So, either way I feel very comfortable that I have made a good decision. The fact that our sp is so low, doesn,t bother me in the least. I look at it as a great time for more friends and family to get some cheap shares and share in what looks like may be a very good investment. So, the longer our sp is this low, the more chances for more good people to get in and share in the wealth, should this succeed.

There are many tricks played in the markets, one is driving down a good companies sp to attempt a takeover. I am not saying that happened here, and don,t believe it, but used it as an example.We have showed many on this board, more or less how to value a stock themselves, so they could make their own decisions on whether this stock was right for them or not. There are always unforseen things, as the recent sp decline, but guess what, the whole market juniors also have suffered similar fates. Thats an aspect that only the market makers and breakers know when its gonna happen, not us little guys, we do not have the ability to steer the markets, we are too small, but are growing, I might add.So we have to take everything thrown at us, for now, hold strong and fight something that is not right. There is really no reason that our sp is so low today, other than maybe it had to be or some greedy entity wanted to show off their strength. You should also ponder the possibility that we could take this sp, ourselves(the shareholders), to $2 tomorrow if we wanted, BUT, it may be considered illegal and could conflict the integrity rules of the exchange, and we don,t want to do that. However, its possible that integrity was in question during our sp downward spiral, but thats issues with the exchange and I am sure that if there was any great concern there, that it would have been addressed by now. The integrity issue I am speaking of is the shorting and naked shorting in the markets, shorting can be a reasonable function of the market, helping it to function properly, but that power in the wrong hands becomes a powerful tool that is used against the "muppets" and their investments, raping them of profits in the short term and forcing them to take a long approach if they believe in a stock. These tables can be turned quickly, if real good news comes out in a stock, and thats what longs don,t want to miss, so they stay long and grumble when we don,t see a meteoric rise in the sp, waiting for that special day.

Sorry I started to ramble.

But, it should be very clear to most by now, like Ed44 has said, something is going on here for no numbers to be released, and it should be good,we haven,t really seen a bad number come off the property. (the drill results looked bad, but they were incomplete, partial and initial.)

If you start feeling down, call another SLI investor, if you know another personally, or take the step to make contact with your fellow investors and get their perceptions, it may help. Its only a suggestion, take it for what its worth, I know it helped me along the way, and I hope it helps you and others. The glass here cannot be half empty, there are too many prospects, think about that, if you will.


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