St. Elias Mines

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Re: What now
over 12 years ago
in response to function's message
I guess at this point in time one can conclude that no news or any news we as shareholders have to bite our lips and take the hit for now and just watch this thing. We ask for news and Lori gives us up to the wolves, no news and we get left in the dark. And yet everyone of us are not idiots or fools we are just the reason why Lori had enough money to even get drilling or anything. I wonder since her name and only her name is on those releases if she even feels a thing. Im sure each limo ride and big expensive dinner to PROMOTE this company is probably easily swallowed and enjoyed. 2 things come to my mind 1) I have to date seem my investment in Lori's directed company drop at least 50% in a year when we have pin holed this property. 2) There will come a day where we all will have to answer for are lives I believe and I for one know I won't have to answer for a few worldly riches taken from good honest hard working people for self serving gain. Stay strong people we can't expect a world class discovery to not come with all the bad things that people are capable of when it comes to money. Just my thoughts, I sleep well at night.
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130.4 M (FD) : Nov 29, 2011
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