Mopar408's Profile

Mopar408's Posts

Re: I want what we were promised

One more thought. We got exactly what we wanted from that meeting people. She said her words that she has assays but can't tell us, her exact words. So we have been lied to so long and things weren't adding up now we know. We just have to wait let this thing evolve the way we have all been waiting for.

over 12 years ago
Re: I want what we were promised

Good for you to finally speak out and say what a lot of people have know for a very long time. All the DD in the world cannot reveal these things to shareholders. We all have to deduct that this was not the first time and I am sure the other meetings were with people and groups that were and are the buyers and investors of OUR company. Why and who as the video says are telling her that she cannot reveal assays are the ones that scare me. I believe she is a tiny little fish swimming with sharks that and will eat her up. But in saying that we all own this thing and we have to dig in and wait these people out. They want us to run and sell.
Seems stupid to me to get out now haveing lost 75% of my money. That's the crazy part to me she knows we are all raw with what has happened to our investment and yet she comes to a meeting with guns a blazing and with attitude. I think her handlers have to regroup and do damage control that meeting the other day was a circus. We will all get our reward for are part, I just can't believe that now the cat is out of the bag that she said she has assays that we have to wait much longer. Thank you Merlot for your involvement.

over 12 years ago

What more do we need as
Shareholders to see and hear . Let's vote her out we have the power she is not untouchable. Her plan is obvious and deliberate. Her lack of concern and even contempt has to be dealt with head on. We all have to much invested for her and her clan. I am at a loss to what is going to take for action and

over 12 years ago
Re: Meeting

Finally somebody saying it the way it is. How can u pump this up to anybody, she wasted time and our money for something that she could have botched again in a useless news letter. Put on the hip waiters people the pile is going to get deeper!

over 12 years ago

That would take a set of you know what's right now. She is a failing VP at best . Her company is down 70-80% in a year and no end in site. Lies apon lies and Band B's that are at best ridicules to even think of holding. Insider trading is apparent can it get much worse. I have one question why is she still the VP. If she doesn't care why should we. I believe we have been lied to about the trenching and drilling that is going on. I think she has a ton of information and is up to something. We could have all gone to Peru with a pik axe and shovel and been farther ahead. Hold tight people and put on your boots the crap is going to get deeper. This is not just one mans opinion!!

over 12 years ago
Facts vs Trueth

There 3 things that can not be hidden, The Sun, The Moon and Trueth. At what point in time does the last one start to be released to us. There is only one that has The master plan and it isn't the leaders of this venture. Just one mans thoughts!

over 12 years ago
Spruce Grove
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