St. Elias Mines

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Lori's Methods
over 12 years ago

From what I understand, Lori has spent a great deal of time and a fair amount of money to come up with a strategy using the input of a team of lawyers. It's amazing to me that so many people who have thrown their pittance into the pot think they're in a position to question her plan with such vehement hostility. The complexities involved are not few and I don't believe for a second that the people pouting about Lori's plan/methods have the slightest understanding of the potential implications of deviating from that plan.

If you want to post here to complain that Lori isn't doing what YOU think she should be doing, ask yourself if your whims are as well considered as the plan formulated by a team of lawyers and the high level business associates who have coached Lori. I'd really like to see you sit at the boardroom table across from a dozen lawyers and highly intelligent business people and explain to them why your ideas are so much better than theirs. My guess is you'd turn a few shades of red before retreating out of the room with your tail between your legs.

Lori doesn't have a "personal agenda", she didn't come up with the plan on her own, she wants to get the best value per share; period. Not only does she have to worry about the pitfalls of the business world, potential hostile takeovers, etc. But I suspect one of her biggest fears is her own shareholders sweeping the rug out from under this company and watching this chance of a lifetime be dwarfed by the very people who should be supporting it.

I've never met the woman personally, but I'm quite sure her goal is not to disappoint you or lose your money. She has invested her entire livelihood into this company, all of her time and all of her money; you'll be hard pressed to find an investor here that can say the same. The idea that throwing $20,000 into a stock makes you Lori's boss is ludicrous. Either get behind her and invest in her company, or put your money elsewhere. To throw your money in and then talk about beheading the company to me seems crazy. Is she infallible? no. Absolutely not. Lori's interviews are the most exposure I have had to her, and are not what I would describe as impressive. Regardless, I still feel she's quite qualified for the job.

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130.4 M (FD) : Nov 29, 2011
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