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slugger05's Posts


Fantastic work Sculpin..... there is another avenue which also could be effective and that is social media.... there are so many high profile investigate reporters using Twitter, if we could also tap into that source that also could really spread our voice.

over 11 years ago
Re: A shareholders perspective of the 2012 AGM (IMPORTANT)

I will gladly send a letter to both the BCSC and the TSX for those very reasons and I agree that we all should, it's strength in numbers folks. Is someone able to post the line of communication for all to see as to where and how we contact these entities whether it be via fax/email etc and I will gladly do so. Perhaps even some form of petition that we could circulate through the shareholders. I certainly believe I have been misled through all of this...... not by the dissident group, but by Lori and her buffoons who have misled us all.

over 11 years ago
Re: What an improvement - much better!

3bman, it will no doubt be wonderful to make those calls, but I have a feeling if they have call display, they may not answer (unless you owe them money)

over 12 years ago
Re: Activity for this week

Good work everyone, great day, great posts and great atmosphere on here. Thanks to Sculpin, Bow and the rest of our fearless leaders. Outstanding work. Enjoy your weekends.

over 12 years ago
Re: Lori's Methods

Nicely said Stockpilez, far too many back seat drivers.

over 12 years ago
Re: Funny What Stress Can Do

Now that is funny!

over 12 years ago
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