St. Elias Mines

Welcome To the St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company
in response to Tomandjerry's message

If it makes you feel any better, I am in at $2.50 per share after the run up. I managed to squeeze blood from the stone and cost average down to $2.38ish per share since November.

I have not sold, and in the last couple of weeks have seen my "nest egg" transform from something that might have come from an Ostrich to something that looks more like it would have been found in a hummingbird nest.

I think I am more upset about my timing than the actual current share price. If I could have only been a couple of months late to the table, I could have had three or four times the number of shares that I do now for the same capital investment. Hindsight is a terrible thing.

Unlike many that are seeing losses on unrealized gains with the current share price, some of the saps like myself have lost actual cash that they have worked hard for and invested at the more recent higher levels, and yes are even paying off loans where the equity is close to 25% of the remaining amount owing. I realize that having an investment with monumental gains then having a loss is ultimately the same as losing real money, but there is a psychological difference between losing money earned through salary vs losing money earned through investment gain.

I know that the anonymity of the internet brings all kinds of characters out, and I would hope that some of the more ruthless posters might have a little more empathy towards others. It is hard enough to process/endure what is happening without, as you say, those that feel inclinded to do so, poking us in the eye.

They do not have to rub my nose in it to help me experience the low to it's fullest. Reality is a harsh enough assailant at the moment.

Not that it will make a difference, but I respectfully request that some on the board tone it down on the criticisms and I told you so's etc.

Just a reminder that we are dealing with people, their lives, their families and their lively hoods. Not just internet avatars and pseudo identities in a video game. Accusations of being uneducated seem uncalled for, as one of the reasons many of us I beleive read here is to further educate ourselves regarding our investment.

I suppose I could stop reading as a personal choice and avoid the negativity, but I find too much that I do value from many of the posters here. On Yahoo finance there is the capacity to hit an ignore button for certain posters and you never have to read anything that they post. Does anyone know of such a feature on Agorocom? That would be the easiest solution for me as I find there are a few posters I would like to filter from my readings.

For the most part, I appreciate those that are trying to process, keep it real, and critically evaluate, but would appreciate it more if we could remove the sarcasm and negative tone from some of our posts.

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130.4 M (FD) : Nov 29, 2011
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