St. Elias Mines

Welcome To the St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company

Well, a bad day in the markets. Most likely more to come, IMO. When you start seeing ALL commodities and stock going down at the same time, it spells panic, to me. I have witnessed the big boys getting out of very speculative plays in the last month or so. They knew this was coming and as it is said, "follow the smart money". There appears to be smart money in SLI, maybe not the big boys so much, but us guys/gals, our sp is indicative of this,and the smart money stayed.

If the down turn in the markets keeps up, you will see a lot of small caps get punished severly. Only the ones like us will weather this storm. Our sp may go down from here, maybe touching the $1.80, BUT maybe not. We have formidable strength behind our sp, US. No matter what happens with our sp, we should all keep in mind what we may have in the Tesoro and our other prospective properties. If someone decides to buy us and our sp is sitting at $1.80, we wont see an offer come in at $2.80, the offer price has to be indicative to the possible amount of gold on the Tesoro. And, if all our DD and math is correct, then the offer will most likely be many multiples from here.

We are sitting at this very minute at a crucial stage in the life of an Exploration Company. We are on the verge of releasing what may be some extraordinary results (hopefully), and if good enough, may tempt a suitor to step forward early in the game. If this happens, I expect to see the stock halted, and it will resume trading after the NR is out with the offer price. The stock will open at or near the offer price and anyone that hesitated before will not have the liberty of buying at todays prices. Need I say we may be sitting on the biggest gold find ever? That is part of the reason this stock is sitting at where it is today, and an ugly market is not gonna change it.

Management has been slack with news and that is making me very suspicious at this time. As hog and others have said, Lori most likely has good reasons for this. And the reasons are undoubtedly good, in my mind. Take a look at the new website and it is plain to see what Lori has been working at constantly. Increasing share holder value enormously! I beleive there are a couple more little things to fall in place and then we can assume there will be an offer coming. These little things could take weeks or months and could possibly run us into next summer. BUT, the thing is, we cannot read minds or predict the future, so its possible this could happen at any time.

Don,t keep your eyes on the sp, rather keep them on the prize!

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St. Elias Mines
130.4 M (FD) : Nov 29, 2011
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