Tweetybird's Profile

Tweetybird's Posts

Re: SLI Shares

I still have my shares but their value is nil, nothing da nada. Last statement they were at 2 cents this statement they are 0 cents. I am curious how shares that can't be bought or sold could be at 2 cents and then drop to a value of 0 cents. Can someone explain how this is possible


almost 10 years ago
SLI Shares

Fellow Investors,

According to my statement from my bank my SLI shares are at $.00. Not sure if we have been delisted or not but after the cease trade they stayed at 2.25 or somewhere near there until recently.

Something must have changed!!!


almost 10 years ago
Re: Your help please.

Hi everyone,

Haven't posted for a very long time but I pop on site every once in a while and catch up.

Just thought I would remind Reprimed that Lori stated that the gold from drilling and trenching would pay for all drilling costs with Tesoro. I believe she said this during the conference call or at the annual meeting. Perhaps some one else knows the exact time and can quote her exact statement.

In my opinion, she was either telling the truth or she outright lied. There is no other way of looking at this whole fiasco, two scenarios:

1. She knew there was gold and wanted it for herself and others

2. This Company was created as a scam so she could live the life of a princess on other peoples hard earned money.

So, IMO, she was unable to tell the truth because either way she was hooped. So she stopped communicating and moved on to another company to build so she can repeat the same scam again. There are suckers born every day and I guess I became one the day I invested. End of Story IMO


about 10 years ago
Re: Financials/MD&A


Perhaps you would be taken more seriously if you took your focus off trying to make Sculpin look like the bad guy rather than overlooking the fact that this company is in dire straits because of the poor leaderhip dislplayed by management and her " board of directors".

The blame needs to be put where it belongs and that falls squarely on Lori's shoulders and no one else's. The shareholders have been on this train wreck for too long to fall for your attemps at misdirecting the blame. Please move on to something more informative if you are going to preach to us so called dummies.


almost 11 years ago
Re: Success is measured in dollars and cents...not smoke and mirrors

Well said Stewie! Lori needs to go and if she doesn't, there will be nothing left of SLI except a bad memory for the shareholders and an empty treasury with no holdings whatsoever.


about 11 years ago
Re: sad

Just a reminder to everyone: There are many ways to shake a tree.


over 11 years ago
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