St. Elias Mines

Welcome To the St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company

Hi All

I am a "newbie" to this forum stuff but I have been reading this form for a few months now. I bought my shares based on my own DD (I did not know about this forum until after I bought my shares). The hub leaders have only verified that buying the shares was probably one of the smarter things I have done in a long time. Thanks to the co-worker who steered me to SLI in the first place.

Before I bought the shares there were two fundamental issues that I had to resolve. They were (1) Bre-Ex and (2) what is the theory behind the Quantec surveys (I had to dust off some of my old engineering math books for that one..LOL.... the brain cells don't quite function like they used to).

The existence of the 43-101 statement and the regulatory requirements behind the need to create such a report mitigated the "Bre-ex" factor for me (also my wife, she was the one I had to really convince).

I spend about three months researching the science behind the Quantec survey and I found that its origins can be traced back to the Schlumberger brothers (spelling?). We all know what impact that had on the oil industry. I also found that the theory behind two dimensional measurements was developed in the 1960's, technolgy is finally catching up with the theory (just a note, some the of core theory behind communications was developped in the late 1700's, it just took us a couple of hundred years to catch up with the theory). In my mind the science behind the Quantec survey has a long history and it has been tested in the field. That was good enough for me.

I bought my shares when they were $2.50, and yes I had some explaining to do to the wife. However I have done a lot of reading on the stock market and one thing that sticks out is "know why you bought the stock, if the story has not changed, who cares what others say, their negative speaking will only distract you". In my mind the story has not changed and the final chapter will be written when the test results come in. While it did not give me warm fuzzies watching the share prices drop, I always remembered three things: (1) the 43-101 report is good, (2) the science is good, and (3) there is enough money in the SLI bank to prove out the studies. Therefore we do not need additional investors to write the book, to bad for them, they are not clueing in. The shorters ticked me, but I know with the money in the bank, we will be able to let reality prove them wrong, they have no control of the bank account, the science, the 43-101 report or what is in the ground.

Anyway, thanks for the time, the fantastic hub leaders, and my co-worker for telling me about SLI. By the way, I went to Murray's last meeting in Stony Plain. The only think I can say is I got permission from the "finance department" to buy more shares (yahoo!!!!). This will be the story that we look back on in a few years with great memories.

Hopefully I will have something positive to contribute as time goes on.


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St. Elias Mines
130.4 M (FD) : Nov 29, 2011
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