Sage Gold Inc.

60% Clavos gold mine (produced in 2007), Timmins (SAS-t); +150,000 acres in Beardmore-Geraldton. Further exploration on Pillars, Paint Lake, and Golden Extension. Identify and acquire new property with near-term production potential.
over 14 years ago
in response to Tibber's message

I appreciate your thoughts Red and your comment Tib and found them 'interesting'.

We know that Nigel has said that they would be looking to get involved [mergerJ/V ?] with companies that have production potential.

That comment has to cause us to wonder about the Who-What-Where-When-Why-How, of it all.

Who are the candidates? What are the cost factors going to be? Where are these other companies with regard to their own 'health'? When will all the talks result in action? Why did Sage deside to go in this direction? [i. e. survival, stability or for solid business reasons] How is all this going to affect the shareholders?

I am sure that this forum's members could come up with other thoughts for those 6 fact finding questions because we all are aware of some of the challenges and potential 'give and takes' that usually come with lengthy candidate searches/negotiations/deals that a junior gets involved it. We would of course have more peace if the previous assay results were like Premier's but such is not the case.

There is no question in my mind that they are going to do a deal or deal[s] and I personally believe that they have been at work in this direction for a while now. I base that belief on the fact that we have basically heard zippo from them and I just do not mean about the 2009 field work. There is no reason that they cannot give us more details except that they are involved in talks with someone[s]. As for the share price, we all presently are standing behind the eight-ball, so it can't be that they are 'silent' because they are afraid that the SP might go down.

Here is where I tred on dangerous ground on the forum, and would be on a suicide mission [lol] if I posted this on the SH hatchet-man forum. I say that because I cannot prove a thing I am going to write and the thoughts are subjective.

Even though the share price has gone down steadily, and even though I believe that the 2009 assays are not great, and the fact that we have a wall of millions of shares before us at I believe the 7 cent level, and we can also throw in the consolidation factor as a possibility, I totally believe that the companies leadership is going to come up with some type of merger agereement[s] ?? that will cause Sage Gold to go in a different [positive] direction. As I previously wrote, I cannot say that an immediate SP will result.

Yes, most of the above negatives are real and yes my thoughts are subjective but I strongly suspect that something 'different' is happening behind the scenes. Perhaps a new type of deal or Sage becoming part of a larger entity. I just do not know I know we do not buy shares in a company based on 'gut feelings' or emotions but we are already here and in most cases we are at a loss SP wise. Because of the length of time involved [the silence] I believe that we will hear sooner rather than later. You can say, 'same old, same old, coming from Jerry and that is probably true, but at best this still remains a chat room for discussion and opinions and the above is my 'gut feel'.

Take care for now guys/gals,


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