Sage Gold Inc.'s Profile

60% Clavos gold mine (produced in 2007), Timmins (SAS-t); +150,000 acres in Beardmore-Geraldton. Further exploration on Pillars, Paint Lake, and Golden Extension. Identify and acquire new property with near-term production potential.

Sage Gold Inc.'s Q&A

1) Sage has stated it Plans on Drilling Jacobus in first Quarter 09.

What would be the cut-off date for a Drilling Program, that would ensure that the Drills would not run into Spring run-off Problems?

A: There isn’t an official cut -off date, we just have to monitor the weather but you can drill historically in the winter unless the cold temperature drops to dangerous levels. Last year there was a major thaw and subsequent flooding where we could not transport heavy equipment until a bridge was put in place.

2) Greetings...

My question is VERY simple and straight forward.

Q: Does SGX have enough CASH ($) in order to do ALL the planned DRILLING at Jacobus in 2009 or will SGX have to find more cash somewhere... sometime in 2009 ?

A: We have sufficient funds allocated for our immediate drill plans at Jacobus East, Paint Lake and Solomons Pillars.When the results are evaluated then we will plan the next phase accordingly. Exploration is a “results driven” business and all companies plan and budget based on their results.

3) Are there any existing confidentiality agreements with other mining companies?

If so, how many?

A: No, not at this time.

4) has there been any interest or offers made for purchase or joint venture of sage gold, past or present by a larger entity or gold producer?

A: No, not at this time.

5) Will there be Places of possible drilling focus, outlined in the New Compilation Vein Map?

A: No, the compilation map of the vein structure will be on our website shortly and the geology team is still in the planning stage regarding drill locations.

Sage Gold Inc. over 15 years ago

SAGE Gold Inc. will be conducting a Q&A session. Please forward all inquiries to with the subject line “Add to Q&A”

All questions provided by the end of business on January 8th will be answered on or before Monday January 12th 2008


AGORACOM Investor Relations

Sage Gold Inc. over 15 years ago

1-Does Sage Gold have enough cash on hand for drilling and exploration for calendar year 2009 without another private placement or any dilution to shares outstanding.. If so, how much cash? If not, how are they planning to raise funds and how much is needed?

A. Further financing will be required for 2009 calendar year and we are reviewing options now as mentioned before. This also includes the amount needed. We are now approaching 300 metres of strike length on the Jacobus East “Golden Extension” and have found multiple veins in the area also so there’s lots of drilling upcoming. We do have warrants and options that if exercised can bring in funds to the treasury. This is dependent on the share price. We will announce financing details when the time comes.

2-Am I mistaken or did I read that a NI 43-101 does not necessarily need to contain an estimate of mineralization report? If that is true, will SGX's upcoming 43-101 contain such estimate? Thanks, marlinspike.

A. Sage does plan on issuing a mineral resource but what you read is correct. A 43-101 can be a Technical Report stating historical resources, potential of mineralization, infrastructure, etc. Basically a third party independent report required for a sale of a property or project, financing and/or other material events.

3-Has SGX considered listing on the main board, TSX?

A. Not at this time since there’s a large cost , approximately $130-150K and you market cap has to be substantially higher than SAGE’s is right now. There are benefits though and we would strongly consider it when we do become eligible.

Sage Gold Inc. almost 16 years ago
Sage Gold Inc.
Metals & Minerals
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