Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to ronran's message

Easy, are you kidding, with 2 young kids and a large mortgage, minor college savings at the time, and other than disposable income only a 65k IRA that I cashed in at a major tax disadvantage, to invest in ptsc, that was all I had. Easy, not, when you take 25 k and buy ptsc at around .05 and it goes down to under .03 and you add another 35k, and it sits at .03 for weeks, that ain't easy. Losing sleep, not knowing if it would pop, the only thing I knew is that I was not going to cave, since I had a good job if I lost all 65k. Didn't think through how I was going to pay the tax penality but I figured I could handle if ptsc crapped out.

It became easy when ptsc popped to .09 cents and sat between .07 and .09, then yes it was easy, but until then, not so much.

But I do appreciate you telling me that most times life does not work out so simply, to me, that was not simple, stupid maybe, lucky yes, skillful no, but with assistance from biajj and a couple others, at least I understood the scam that ptsc was. My big fear was that swartz would just flip from .03 to .09 over and over and not manipulate to where sp went. When people say timing is everything, not sure about that but I don't know what I would have done if ptsc went back below break even, but it never did so it was easy/simple after that.

This will be my last post on the subject but it was not easy/simple and yes I was lucky and most would think I was nuts to take all I had and take a shot at ptsc.

So why am I pizzd at ptsc bod, for only one reason, because they had a chance to be something big and they screwed a lot of people. My favorite comment as I remember it was from Gloria when she told investors they could have sold at 2. I'm sure that many of those that read this board were a lot more prepared then the vast majority of investors in ptsc.

Let's see if I lose my 5k in at .005, not going to cave, lol, wait for mm manipulation, and the games go on.

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