Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
almost 11 years ago
in response to Mike4321's message


implied how bad the BOD and DL are for our company and the stock price

DL has purposefully misappropriated funds from PTSC and you the shareholder.. He has also done the same to what appears to be every biz partner he has had lately... I don't trust him and wish he would be replaced as the Licensor of our one and only asset.. He won't even tell PTSC how many infringing companies have been notified... The BoD, who is responsible for DL being empowered as he was (and compensated for giving him that power) were basically complicit in his actions they were blind in the 'checks and balances' that should have protected the shareholder and the MMP itself... I won't even talk about the monies thrown away via horrendous M&A decisions... They have been bad for our company and the stock price (FYI I no longer call for the replacement of the BoD, that ship has sailed I'm sorry to say.. tho that doesn't erase their track record)

and how we most likely can not make a profit on PTSC stock until we change the situation

I believe DL has damaged the potential of the MMP... A jury saw fit to award 1/10 of tier 3 level royalties even tho they found HTC guilty of infringent on every count challenged.. Tier 3 in itself is a conservative royalty rate.. but 1/10?? DL has made our bed.. and we are having to sleep in it... I hope that as licenses are negotiated it is pointed out that jurys due strange things and the 1/10 t3 award is explained away as ludacris and with the verdict of infringement a more reasonable real world rate is being considered... I believe the removal of DL (1) as our sole licensor should be done a matter of principle (and credibility to the licensing effort).. but at the very least a neutral trustworthy third party should be appointed to the PDS Board (2).. And obviously a successful appeal at the ITC (3) and the potential threat of injuctions would be the biggest factor in reestablishing higher royalty rates and overcoming DL's damage to the MMP... Tho imo the best case senario for maximizing the MMP value and licensing income would be all 3 occuring..

Further, your group has no new plans on how we can quickly make these proposed changes, but for sure we can not trust nor hope that the BOD / DL will do a better job in the future then before.

In general,some of the group has also implied that the future looks bleak, unless we win at the ITC. In the event we do, that will change everything. The sun will shine and then it will be OK to take a chance on them because big money quality MMP settlement will be rolling in.

DL's bk situation potentially opens the door for his removal as licensor, and personally I do not believe it would take that long for a new firm, working with Alliacense, to get up to speed.. Then you could/would finally have all parties working in unison to maximize MMP credibilty and value.. transparency, higher MMP fees, higher divys, higher potential share value.. Infringement has been established thank goodness.. so there will be MMP license income.. I personally desire to see this maximized by 1- ITC reversal 2- 3rd party on PDS Board 3- replacement of DL as sole Licensor.. My personal choice would be to reverse 2 & 3 but I'm stating realistically most beneficial..

The group to which you refer is in general name only, we are individual investors in this stock who happen to believe that this investment has in the most part been handled very poorly by those who are its stewards (thankfully the strength of the patents have withstood the assults put upon them)... The group share many of the same beliefs and all desire to see a higher shareprice.. none as far as I know are flipping and it is my opinion that none are..

On the other hand, if we lose [ITC], can we makeup for the lose of quality settlement with volume and will that devalue the stock??

The value of the MMP and all settlements, be they quality or quantity, will be imo higher with a reversal at the ITC... and higher yet with additional changes

regards.. now I'm gonna go enjoy the sun which finally has broken thru the marine layer

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