Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to Mike4321's message

It seems posts were positive as the stock price rose but turned BOD /DL negative as the stock price fell and those negative posts increased.

I think your post is quite accurate, although I have some measure of doubt that you said what you intended to say.

Your statement as quoted is exactly what would be expected to happen, and is very well grounded in reality. Posts would logically be positive "as the share price rose", meaning that it would also be entirely logical for posts to start becoming less positive, and then non-positive, when the share price begins to fall and continues to do so.

In order for posts to remain positive, at least for those who are able to deal with reality and engage in analytical thinking, there must be a source that generates a factual basis from which conclusions can be logically drawn. In our scenario, that would be, and can only be, PTSC --- because only the Company itself can provide a basis for the creation and continuation of shareholder value.

Any public company desiring to create shareholder value uses both internal and external factors and events to create a business plan toward that goal, then announces that business plan so as to retain current investors and attract new investors. Thus, when there is no business plan announced and/or no continued information as to how the company intends to create shareholder value, there is no known and/or verifiable basis upon which shareholders and potential investors can make positive statements about that company. In a publicly traded company, it is thus logical that those who are willing to analyze reality (which all true investors must do) begin to lose confidence --- when the company cannot, or chooses not to, provide anything "positive" that can be analyzed, then reality-based comments about the company, by definition, cannot continue to be positive.

Thank you for pointing out this reality in your post, even though it may have been unintentional. When PTSC is able to generate positive results and announce a positive and effective business plan that is designed to create shareholder value, then comments by reality-based investors will, by nature, become and remain positive.

Best wishes to all.

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