Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to shboomer's message

Thanks you for agreeing with some of my posts, I understand that you disagree with my stance on critiquing the BOD, the arguments are pointless. All of these rants have done nothing to improve shareholder value.

"BOD chooses to ignore the will of voting shareholders."

Your right, but the fact is that in every stock, regardless if it’s on Penny Stocks or the Nasdaq.....if you do not own enough shares to make a "dent" in their decision making process, you will be ignored.

Just try telling Apple, QUALCOMM what you want and see if they will ignore you or acknowledge your request.

Concerning their issuing share to themselves: Greed is everywhere, in this forum as well as at the BOD, if they have the power to award themselves more shares, great, you would do it too if you were on the BOD.

They do not do anything to earn their money: No one for sure knows what goes on behind the scenes at PTSC, we do not know if BOD is helping TPL look over contracts, doing research for long term shareholder value, looking over PDS finances, etc, etc,

The BOD does not have to cater to every whim from posters on forums.

IMHO it makes no difference what they do, or should do, the fact is YOU and ME are in this stock, WE CHOSE to be in the stock knowing very well what the history of the BOD is.

Why would anyone want a stock that is so utterly horrific as described by the “Critics” ?

Because its really not that bad, it beats the crap out of other worthless penny stocks, no other penny stock has performed like PTSC or will perform like it again, I have never in my years seen a penny stock pay dividends, and there are rumors of dividends being issued again.

Beside Qualcom, I have never seen such a promising penny stock, 17 Patent Revalidation sand soon to come Injunctions against the infringers.

So people can kick and scream about the BOD, but unless they own a majority of shares where they can sit on the board and make those changes, all there will ever be is people kicking and screaming, wasting mental energy, stressing out over nothing that they can change.

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