Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to Al-Stayedin's message

"Because I insist.....this kind of complaining has gone on for years, talk about voting them out, yada....yada.....yada and nothing has ever come to fruition from the people that wanted to take action."

You must have been around, then, when there was an official vote regarding Majority versus Plurality for BOD positions.

You will recall that a vote passed about 4:1 in favor of changing to Majority and was so recorded in the official PTSC filings with the SEC.

You may also recall that despite many requests by shareholders to PTSC, for many months no statement was made on the adoption of that motion by the PTSC BOD.

That might make you recall that when the BOD did make a statement, close to 10 months later, it was buried in their website FAQs, and basically said that the vote would be ignored because the BOD considered it advisory. Unlike many other shareholders, you may NOT have been incensed at (a) this denial being said to be in the interests of PTSC and its shareholders - the very shareholders that APPROVED by a vast majority the motion and (b) the delay and manner of the denial and (c) the fact that at no time prior to the vote did the BOD declare that the vote would only be 'advisory' - although since this incident the Proxy Statements have been careful to so document motions which might impact BOD tenure or pay.

"Nothing has ever come to fruition" in this arena because the BOD chooses to ignore the will of voting shareholders.

By the way, I don't feel that statements of facts qualify as "rants".

Other than your stance of this topic I truly have admired most of your recent posts.

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