Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.

PTSC always seems to find itself in, or to have constructed, a situation where they feel "compelled" to withhold information from shareholders. Whether it's withholding licensing fees for negoatiating reasons, or withholding the status of strategy of acquired companies for "keeping options open" reasons, or now the withholding the very announcement of some actual license signings, purportedly at the request of licenssees, to the latest of delaying the 10q on the suggestion that there may be immenent legal settlements.

Perhaps its a cynical viewpoint induced by the years of shareholder treachery by PTSC's leadership, but it's hard to accept this as anything but a reason to obscure information from shareholders for as long as possible.

I'd love to see a new dawn for PTSC through significant settlement(s) and constructive progress in leadership, but failure to timely file the 10Q seems to forcast more of the same rather than a positive step forward.

Considering we'll have a new BOD constitution of only Johnson, Felcyn and Flowers in less than 10 days, I hope my cynicism will be proven overly cautious and that they'll put their PTSC financial windfalls where their mouths are and rather than more NT filings, provide rather the 10Q followed immediately by filings showing immediate plans for 1M share purchase by each of them on the open market of PTSC stock.

Time for them to put up or shut up with their self-induced complaints and frustrations and stand behind the company and shoulder to shoulder with shareholders.

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